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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Substrate Protection for Corrosion Prevention
Presentation Title The Effect of Mg added Al-Si Coating on the Corrosion of Hot-stamped Boron Steels
Author(s) Changkyu Kim, Seongkoo Cho, Wonseog Yang, Homero Castaneda
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Changkyu Kim
Abstract Scope The demands for light-weight vehicles to be equipped with Ultra-High-Strength-Steel (UHSS) has been globally increased in past decades by enhanced safety and environmental regulations in the automotive industry and the field of hot-stamped steel (22MnB5) has received much attention for its various advantages. In this work, the introduction of 2A group component into AlSi coating system has been characterized to improve corrosion resistance where the conventional AlSi system could not address well. Specifically, 0.1/0.5% of Mg was added into the AlSi coating during the hot dip-coating prior to the hot stamping. To characterize the coating before and after the hot stamping process that performed at 930°C for 5 minutes, SEM,EDS,XRD, and XPS were utilized to see morphology and chemical compound changes before/after the hot stamping and corrosion testing. It is anticipated such improvement of the coating with 2A group element can contribute pioneering new generation coating for automotive industry.


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The Effect of Mg added Al-Si Coating on the Corrosion of Hot-stamped Boron Steels

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