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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Materials vs Minerals: Bridging the Gap between Materials Science and Earth and Planetary Science
Presentation Title Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Mineral-water Interfaces with Surface Defects
Author(s) James David Kubicki
On-Site Speaker (Planned) James David Kubicki
Abstract Scope This talk will focus on examples of imperfect surfaces on minerals such as rutile (alpha-TiO2), quartz (alpha-SiO2), barite (BaSO4) and ferrihydrite (Fe2O3•0.5H2O). Models of steps, substitution defects, and nanoparticles with corner and edge sites will be covered. In addition, the potential for modelling mineral-mineral grain boundary interactions as a function of intervening water content will be explored. The examples will be of interest to environmental and geochemists, but the approaches taken will be applicable to a wide variety of interfacial reactions such as photocatalytic reduction of CO2.`


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Introductory Comments: Materials vs Minerals: Bridging the Gap between Materials Science and Earth and Planetary Science
New Worlds - New Chemistry
Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Mineral-water Interfaces with Surface Defects
Thermodynamic Modeling of Al-Ti-rich Pyroxene Solid Solutions: Deducing the Nebular Conditions of Condensation of Ti+3 and Ti+4 Oxidation States
Thermodynamic Origins of the First Solids in the Solar System: The Need for Computational Materials Science
Uncertainty of Phase Equilibrium

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