High Performance Steels: On-Demand Poster Session
Sponsored by: TMS Structural Materials Division, TMS: Steels Committee
Program Organizers: Ana Araujo, Vesuvius USA; C. Tasan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Jonah Kleem-Toole, Colorado School of Mines; Louis Hector, General Motors Global Technical Center; Tilmann Hickel, Bam Federal Institute For Materials Research And Testing; Benjamin Adam, Oregon State University

Monday 8:00 AM
March 14, 2022
Room: Advanced Materials
Location: On-Demand Poster Hall

A Study on Magnetization Characteristics According to the Direction of 9%Ni Steel Sheet: Hosung Jang1; Suheon Kim1; Jong Bae Jeon2; Yoon Suk Choi3; Sunmi Shin1; 1Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH); 2Dong-A University; 3Pusan National University
    9%Ni steel is a material with excellent low-temperature toughness and strength. The steel has excellent weldability as well as stable supply in large quantities, so it is used as a material for storage tanks of LNG. However, 9%Ni steel, as a ferritic steel material, has high soft magnetic properties and reacts very sensitively to the magnetism generated by the current during welding. It causes welding defects and reduces work efficiency. In order to reduce welding defects and improve productivity, basic research on the magnetization characteristics of the sheet materials is urgently needed. In this study, magnetic hysteresis curves and magnetic properties were measured according to the direction and magnitude of the applied magnetic field in a 9%Ni steel sheet specimen. The magnetization characteristics were different depending on the direction of the field, and it was confirmed that this was related to the texture of the steel.