Materials Design and Processing Optimization for Advanced Manufacturing: From Fundamentals to Application: Materials Design and Processing Optimization: Young Investigator Session I
Sponsored by: TMS Structural Materials Division, TMS: Alloy Phases Committee
Program Organizers: Wei Xiong, University of Pittsburgh; Dana Frankel, Apple Inc; Gregory Olson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Monday 8:30 AM
February 28, 2022
Room: 253B
Location: Anaheim Convention Center
Session Chair: Dana Frankel, QuesTek Innovations LLC; Wei Xiong, University of Pittsburgh
8:30 AM Keynote
Materials Design for Advanced Manufacturing: Gregory Olson1; Jason Sebastian; 1Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sixty years of academic collaboration and thirty years of commercialization by a network of small businesses have delivered a mature technology of computational materials design and accelerated qualification now known as ICME, grounded in the CALPHAD system of fundamental databases now known as the Materials Genome. Design for Manufacturability has been a central theme of the commercial application of this technology. A major focus of current application is the rapid development of the new alloys enabling the much-desired technology of additive manufacturing, with adaptation of the AIM methodology to accelerate qualification of printed components. Rapid adoption of ICME by US apex corporations has integrated materials design into concurrent engineering for the first time, with broad market impact spanning a range from consumer electronics to space exploration.
9:00 AM Invited
Development Framework Advancing State-of-the-art for Space Propulsion Components: Ida Berglund1; Fuyao Yan1; Martin Walbrühl1; Jiayi Yan1; 1QuesTek Europe AB
Space propulsion efficiency is often restricted by physical limitations of the materials for combustion chambers and nozzles. The limitations are consequences of extreme environmental conditions (T-differentials, thermal shock, reactive propellants, etc.), and can manifest as limited burn time and lifetime, fuel constraints, etc. By capitalizing the recent advancements on complex-concentrated-alloys (CCAs) and additive manufacturing (AM) technologies, combined with computational modeling, the concurrent development of improved material and seamless structure can be realized and accelerated, to allow customized systems enabling higher propulsion efficiency. This talk aims to showcase a multiscale materials design framework built to advance the state-of-the-art CCAs and related hybrid solutions towards the practical needs (current and future) of the space propulsion industry. Examples from ongoing development of novel refractory CCAs for in-space bi-propellant thrusters will be provided, where thermal control, mechanical integrity, fuel compatibility and AM processability are key design factors, to ultimately increase thruster burn time.
9:25 AM Invited
Finding a Balance in FeCrAl, Optimizing Fabrication Routes and Chemistry Utilizing Experiments, Modeling, and Machine Learning: Andrew Hoffman1; Vipul Gupta1; Bojun Feng1; Sayan Ghosh1; Rajnikant Umretiya1; Raul Rebak1; 1GE Research
FeCrAl alloys have traditionally been used for commercial applications when high temperature oxidation resistance is crucial such as heating elements and catalytic converters. More recently, FeCrAl alloys have garnered the attention of the nuclear industry as they make prime candidates for accident tolerant fuel cladding. Because this material has not traditionally been used in light water reactor environments, it’s important to optimize the properties of FeCrAl alloys for this unique application. This study includes work at General Electric to optimize corrosion and mechanical properties of FeCrAl alloys by adjusting the fabrication route and chemistry of these alloys. Additionally, machine learning is being utilized to identify optimized alloys. Results from experiments, modeling, and machine learning will be presented.
9:50 AM Invited
Chemistry-processing-microstructure Relationships in Materials for Advanced Manufacturing: Eric Lass1; 1University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Advanced manufacturing continues to improve the efficiency, capability, and cost effectiveness of developing new technologies and bringing them to market, accomplished largely as a result of advanced computational tools (e.g., Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, ICME) and automation of manufacturing processes. These advances, along with dramatically different materials processing conditions of modern fabrication techniques compared to traditional casting and forging operations have necessitated the development of new materials, and highly accurate physics-based models of the relationships between material chemistry, processing, and microstructure (and properties), which are most often grounded in fundamental thermodynamic and kinetic principles. This presentation explores some recent advances in such modeling tools, focused particularly on how chemistry and processing conditions affect solidification microstructure and subsequent solid-state phase transformations. Specifically, the connection of solidification models, broadly categorized as interface response functions to material response and microstructural development during additive manufacturing are discussed.
10:15 AM Break
10:35 AM Invited
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of High-strength, Crack-susceptible Superalloys: Considerations in Composition, Printing Process and Heat Treatment.: Marcus Lam1; 1Monash University
Additive manufacturing (AM) by selective laser melting (SLM) is particularly beneficial in producing high-strength superalloys’ components, enabling more efficient designs while simplifying the production process. However, SLM has unique characteristics such as rapid thermal cycle and localised heating that can cause unconventional issues in superalloys such as microcracking, undersized grains and deformation. Many of these issues and their underlying causes are complicated and interrelated. For example, modifying certain alloy elements can lessen the crack susceptibility but reduce the high temperature properties; Some printing parameters and scanning strategies can suppress cracking while reducing the overall production rate. In some cases, conventional heat treatment schemes with rapid air cooling may not be suitable for large, complex-shaped AM components, causing part-level deformation. This presentation aims to share some generalised considerations in optimising the composition, printing process and heat treatment, based on our research experience in several nickel-based superalloys and their components.
11:00 AM Invited
Modeling Non-equilibrium Segregation and Microstructural Evolution during Rapid Solidification in Additive Manufacturing: Application to IN718 Alloy: Kang Wang1; Bi-Cheng Zhou1; 1University of Virginia
During additive manufacturing of metals, the highly complex thermal histories lead to complicated solidification behaviors and will inevitably affect the microstructure of the final products and their performance. One of the most common issue is the micro-segregation, i.e., the diffusion of the alloying elements from the solid back into the melt during solidification process, which will accumulate in the inter-dendritic liquid and form undesired phases in as-solidified products. To model the strongly non-equilibrium micro-segregation and subsequent microstructural evolution, local non-equilibrium solidification theories is coupled with CALPHAD-type thermodynamic and kinetic databases, making it possible to model solidification of commercial alloys with multiple elements (up to 10). The framework is applied to study the micro-segregation, columnar to equiaxed transition, and processing diagram of IN718 alloy during laser-based powder bed fusion, demonstrating its capability in the mitigation of micro-segregation, and tuning the subsequent microstructural evolution during strongly non-equilibrium solidification.
11:25 AM Invited
Deformation Pathways in an Engineered Ti Alloy Duplex Microstructure Produced Using Selective Laser Melting: Jenniffer Bustillos1; Atieh Moridi1; 1Cornell University
Achieving an optimal balance of high strength and plasticity in additive manufactured (AM) Ti alloys is a challenge to this day. This study moves away from the established intuition that lack of fusion defects should be avoided in AM of Ti6Al4V. Through a single hot isostatic pressing treatment and the deliberately introduced lack of fusion defects, we demonstrate the ability to engineer a duplex microstructure with excellent combinations of strength (UTS=1.06±0.02GPa) and ductility (εf=20±1%). We reveal a microstructure of α-laths and low aspect ratio α-grains derived from surface energy reduction and recrystallization processes intensified in the presence of fusion defects. Using an adaptive domain misorientation approach of electron backscattered diffraction, we resolve the heterogenous distribution of strains in the duplex microstructure in the form of complex dislocation cells, and sub-grains enabling an added pathway of deformation via their ease of rotation.