Advances in Powder and Ceramic Materials Science: On-Demand Oral Presentations
Sponsored by: TMS Extraction and Processing Division, TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division, TMS: Materials Characterization Committee, TMS: Powder Materials Committee
Program Organizers: Bowen Li, Michigan Technological University; Shefford Baker, Cornell; Kathy Lu, University of Alabama Birmingham; Faqin Dong, Southwest University of Science and Technology; Jinhong Li, China University of Geosciences; Eugene Olevsky, San Diego State University; Ruigang Wang, Michigan State University; Dipankar Ghosh, Old Dominion University
Monday 8:00 AM
March 14, 2022
Room: Materials Processing
Location: On-Demand Room
Differential Volume Changes During Binder Removal from Ceramics: John Halloran1; 1University of Michigan
Polymer binders are common processing aides, enabling shaping of loose ceramic powders during forming. Often the first step in the firing process involves thermal removal of the polymer by “binder burnout”. Binder burnout is slow and troublesome. Many firing failures are due to damage associated with the process, such as cracking, bloating, and distortions. The usual treatment of binder removal emphasizes transport in a porous medium, and considers the capillary stresses associated with this transport. A second line of reasoning involves evolution of gases from polymer degradation, and addresses damage from gas formation. This paper addresses a largely ignored aspect that could also be important: differential volume change between the low thermal expansion ceramic and the high thermal expansion polymer. I will discuss this in terms of the thermal expansion of ceramic powder-filled polymers, with examples from ceramic injection molding mixes, thermoplastic extrusion mixes, and photopolymerized ceramic suspensions.
Understanding the Role of Intrinsic Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ice-templated Porous Sintered Electrodes for Lithium-ion Batteries: Dipankar Ghosh1; Rohan Parai1; Ziyang Nie2; Gary Koenig2; 1Old Dominion University; 2University of Virginia
Reducing pore tortuosity in electrodes of lithium (Li)-ion batteries through directional alignment of the pore structure can minimize the path for ion transportation and facilitate the process. In addition, mechanical properties of electrodes are vital to withstanding mechanical stresses that originate during battery assembly and charging/discharging cycles. The ice-templating technique enables the synthesis of ceramic materials with directional porosity and has drawn significant attention for the fabrication of porous electrodes for Li-ion batteries. However, very little progress has been made on the fabrication of these electrodes using ice-templating technique. In this presentation, we will address the influence of various intrinsic parameters on microstructure development in ice-templated sintered porous metal oxides and compressive mechanical properties. It will be discussed that for a targeted porosity, intrinsic parameters can have remarkable influence on the templated microstructure and compressive mechanical properties. Few results on the electrochemical performance will also be presented.
Synthesis and Optimization of BiFeO3 and La Doped BiFeO3 Prepared by Solid State Reaction Method: Subhash Sharma1; Victor Emmanuel Alvarez Montano2; Eunice Vargas Viveros3; Rosario I Yocupicio-Gaxiola4; Jesus Siqueiros1; Oscar Raymond Herrera1; 1Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; 2Universidad De Sonora; 3Universidad Autónoma de Baja California; 4Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada (CICESE)
In the last decades multiferroic materials have attracted the attention of researchers. These are defined as those materials that simultaneously present the property of ferroelectricity and anti-ferromagnetism. Among these, materials we can find BiFeO3, since being considered as advanced ceramics, they have great potential in the area of technology, especially in the use of information storage, but due to the difficulty of finding them in nature they are little used. This material exhibits some difficulties in its synthesis such as the appearance of impurities and unwanted secondary phases. In the present work, the synthesis of this perovskite from two oxides by the solid state reaction method, the influence of the mixing time, temperature and the formation of the desired phase is described. The compounds were characterized by XRD, RAMAN spectroscopy, UV-VIS and their dielectric properties are presented.
Design of New High Entropy Ceramics in the Pseudo-binary System RGaO3-R2Ti2O7: Victor Emmanuel Alvarez Montano1; Francisco Brown1; Subhash Sharma2; Jorge Mata Ramirez3; Ofelia Hernández Negrete1; Javier Hernandez Paredes1; Alejandro Durán2; 1Universidad De Sonora; 2Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; 3Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
In the last years, high entropy ceramics (HECs) compounds have attracted significant attention due to unique chemical compositions and crystal structures which make them potential useful functional materials. One of them is the RGa1/3Ti2/3O10/3 (R: rare earth element) ceramic layered compound, which comes from the pseudo-binary system RGaO3-R2Ti2O7 partial solid solution. In this work, we design a single phase of (Lu0.2Yb0.2Tm0.2Er0.2Ho0.2)Ga1/3Ti2/3O10/3 high entropic ceramic compound. This compound was synthesized by the solid-state reaction method and by means of several thermal treatments at high temperatures. The phase stability was determined using X-ray Powder Diffractometry analysis (XRD). The morphology and cation distribution in the lattice was identified using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Elemental Mapping. In addition, the dielectric behavior of samples submitted under several heating treatments is presented.
Fabrication of Hierarchically-porous, Gyroid-structured Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds by a Dual-templating Method: Jui-Yuan Ho1; Haw-Kai Chang1; Cheng-Che Tung1; Po-Yu Chen1; 1National Tsing Hua University
To date, fabricating porous materials with desired porosity, pore sizes, and permeability still remains as a challenge to be overcome in the industry. Inspired by the hierarchical transport systems found in nature, we combined ice-templating and 3D-printed sacrificial templating methods to synthesize scaffolds with hierarchical micro/millimeter channels for high efficiency fluid transportation. The sacrificial template with designed inverse-gyroid structure molded the freeze-casted scaffold into gyroid structure, which was highly ordered and periodic. The resulting symmetrical and interconnected channels created a well-distributed fluid transportation system through the scaffold. Fish scale-derived hydroxyapatite was used as the raw material due to its confirmed removal ability of heavy-metal ions and biocompatibility. The structures were characterized by SEM and μ-CT and compressive mechanical properties were evaluated. The permeability of dual-templating scaffolds was 100 times higher than typical ice-templating scaffolds. The hierarchically porous scaffolds have great potential to be applied in sewage treatment and tissue engineering.