Metal-Matrix Composites: Advances in Processing, Characterization, Performance and Analysis: Design and Development of Metal-based Composite Materials
Sponsored by: TMS Structural Materials Division, TMS: Composite Materials Committee
Program Organizers: Srivatsan Tirumalai; Pradeep Rohatgi, University of Wisconsin; Simona Hunyadi Murph, Savannah River National Laboratory
Tuesday 8:00 AM
March 1, 2022
Room: 256B
Location: Anaheim Convention Center
Session Chair: Simona Murph, Savannah River National Laboratory
8:00 AM Keynote
Transforming the Approach to Designing Metal Matrix Composites: Julie Schoenung1; 1University of California, Irvine
Significant advancements in design and manufacturing of metal matrix composites are required to address emerging societal challenges. The necessary breakthroughs will require the reevaluation of existing MMC design and processing paradigms. Instead of conventional powder metallurgy and casting techniques, alternative strategies are needed to transform MMC materials and component design. Several examples will be highlighted in this presentation, including the application of additive manufacturing with carefully selected alloy compositions and the use of high-speed photography and numerical modeling to understand and predict heterogeneous particle flow behavior, and creative material designs such as foams and coated particles. These examples demonstrate that transformative results can be achieved through clever use of creative metal matrix composite chemistries and innovative materials processing methods.
8:30 AM Keynote
Superconducting Metal Matrix Composites: Krishan Chawla1; 1University of Alabama at Birmingham
Practical superconductors are nothing but fiber reinforced metal matrix composites. Conventional superconductors are either composites of Nb-Ti fibers in a copper matrix or composites of Nb3Sn fibers in a copper matrix. The superconducting phase is the Nb-Ti or Nb3Sn fibers. The reason for making a copper matrix composite is to exploit the stability of the filamentary form. These two MMCs represent the largest application of MMCs in the world. In particular, the Nb-Ti based MMCs are used extensively in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this talk, I will describe the processing and properties of these composites. In addition, I will describe the high temperature superconductors which are also fiber reinforced MMCs.
9:00 AM Invited
Investigation of Fine Scale Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Al-Mg-B and Al-Mg-Cd Composites for Intergranular Corrosion Protection Applications: Ramasis Goswami1; 1Naval Research Laboratory
B4C is the lightest ceramic materials with the highest compressive strength. Considerable efforts have been made to enhance the specific strength of the composite by adding higher volume fractions of B4C particles in different metal matrices. It has been realized that the ceramic/metal interface plays a vital role in enhancing the strength of the composite materials. We investigate here using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) microstructure and interfaces of composite materials, such as Al/B4C and Cu/Al2O3, processed in the solid state at relatively high pressure, and correlate with the mechanical properties. We demonstrate that the interface cohesion and mechanical properties have been significantly improved as a result of the formation of metal boride at the interface. This provides a new avenue toward the development of composite materials containing B4C particulates.
9:25 AM Cancelled
Design and Synthesis of Carbon-inorganic Nanocomposites via Direct Utilization of Carbon Dioxide for Sustainable Energy: Min-Kyu Song1; 1Washington State University
The utilization of carbon dioxide (CO2) has been a worldwide issue due to the growing concerns of climate change and global warming. Accordingly, numerous studies have been directed toward developing practical technologies that can utilize CO2 to produce a wide range of fuels and value-added materials. In this presentation, CO2-thermic oxidation process is proposed as a novel strategy to manufacture carbon-inorganic nanocomposites with diverse functionalities. As one promising application of this new synthesis route, silicon-carbon nanocomposites were synthesized as anodes for lithium-ion batteries with high volumetric energy density. Furthermore, the versatility of CO2-thermic oxidation process was successfully demonstrated with various intermetallic compounds possessing unique crystal structures and physical/chemical properties. Overall, our results suggest that the proposed thermal process can be used to synthesize functional carbon-inorganic nanocomposites with diverse microstructures and morphologies, offering a new pathway for CO2 utilization.
9:45 AM Break
10:00 AM
Sustainable and Climate-friendly Economic and Technological Development from Use of Metal Matrix Composites: Akhil Charak1; Jimmy Karloopia1; Srivatsan Tirumalai2; 1Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee; 2The University of Akron
Globally there has been a noticeable wave to shift to green materials for purpose of sustainable and climate-friendly development. The emergence of metal-matrix composites contributed in a small way to this revolution. In this presentation, the potential for metal-matrix composites to aid in achieving sustainable and eco-friendly development goals will be highlighted. The family of metal-matrix composites is gaining increased attention among the scientific research and industrial communities for use in applications due to their advantages of being eco-friendly and sustainable coupled with acceptable combination of physical and mechanical properties. The sustainable development goals can be made possible by applying metal matrix composite technology to both recyclable materials and materials having light weight. This would result in replacing the existing material by metal matrix composites having fewer energy inputs for manufacturing and better characteristics. The interest of the end user on climate-friendly materials and related technologies will be highlighted
10:20 AM Invited
Development of Zirconia Toughened Nanocomposites Using the Technique of Spark Plasma Sintering: Role of Reinforcement: Srivatsan Tirumalai1; Kunjee Meena2; Shaik Mozammil3; 1The University of Akron; 2Mahatma Gandhi Engineering College; 3Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
In this presentation, microstructural development and properties (to include both physical and mechanical) of Zirconia-Toughened-Alumina (ZTA) composite reinforced with 1 volume percent of magnesium oxide (MgO) / multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and processed using the technique of spark plasma sintering will be highlighted. Specific details and role of processing parameters will be elaborated upon. The average grain size, density and micro-hardness was determined for the addition of magnesium oxide (MgO) reinforcement to the ZTA matrix. The highest fracture toughness was obtained by the addition of MWCNTs reinforcement to the ZTA matrix. Micro-hardness of the samples increased with the addition of MgO reinforcement to the ZTA matrix, while fracture toughness increased with the addition of MWCNTs to the ZTA matrix. The development of a material for use as a thermal barrier coating and also for its selection and use in dental applications will be presented and discussed.
10:45 AM
Use of Three-dimensional Finite Elements to Simulate Morphology of Chip during Turning of an Aluminum Alloy Composite: Shaik Mozammil1; Eklavya Koshta1; Jimmy Karloopia1; Kunjee Meena2; Srivatsan Tirumalai3; P.K. Swain4; 1Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee; 2Mahatma Gandhi Engineering College Jaipur; 3The University of Akron; 4Aryan Institute of Engineering and Technology
In this presentation, the salient aspects specific to turning of a novel aluminium alloy metal matrix composite on a lathe machine (Type: HMT) will be highlighted. The engineered composite is an aluminum-4.5% copper alloy that is reinforced with titanium diboride (TiB2) particulates. The influence of machining parameters, to include cutting speed, depth of cut, and feed rate, on machining characteristics, namely surface roughness and cutting force will be elaborated upon. To understand the microscopic mechanisms governing the turning operation, a three-dimensional finite element simulation model was developed and used with the prime objective of estimating the cutting force. The Johnson-Cook material and failure model was used for the chosen composite material. In this research study, the cutting forces were estimated through both turning experiments and numerical simulation modelling on the chosen Al-4.5% Cu/TiB2/3p composite. Conclusions are drawn from the results obtained by use of the two methods.
11:05 AM
Metal Matrix Composites Development Using Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing: Hanlei Zhang1; Daozheng Li1; Mitra Shabani1; Wei Xiong1; 1University of Pittsburgh
Metallic composites exhibiting tailorable mechanical and thermal properties as well as good damage tolerance have applications in aerospace, and automotive industries, among others. Binder jet 3D printing (BJ3DP) can be used to effectively manufacture complex shapes with high resolutions. In this research, BJ3D printed samples of designed structures with lattice sizes within few millimeters are printed using steel powders such as 316L and HSLA (high-strength low-alloy) steel. To further improve the strength of the alloys, design strategies were applied through matrix strengthening by oxidation dispersion, alloy infiltration, and geometry design, aiming the ultra-high mechanical performance than traditional steel components. The sintering and infiltration procedure are guided through the CALPHAD (Calculation of Phase Diagrams) approach and are further optimized experimentally. The tensile and toughness of different builds are evaluated to identify the best design pathways of metallic composites.