Functional Nanomaterials: Functional Low-Dimensional (0D, 1D, 2D) Materials 2022: Functional Bio-Nanomaterials & Biosensors I
Sponsored by: TMS Functional Materials Division, TMS: Nanomaterials Committee
Program Organizers: Michael Cai Wang, University of South Florida; Yong Lin Kong, Rice University; Sarah Ying Zhong, University of South Florida; Surojit Gupta, University of North Dakota; Nasrin Hooshmand, Georgia Institute of Technology; Woochul Lee, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Min-Kyu Song, Washington State University; Simona Hunyadi Murph, Savannah River National Laboratory; Hagar Labouta, University of Manitoba; Max Anikovskiy, University of Calgary; Patrick Ward, Savannah River National Laboratory

Wednesday 8:30 AM
March 2, 2022
Room: 260B
Location: Anaheim Convention Center

Session Chair: Yong Lin Kong, University of Utah; Michael Cai Wang, University of South Florida

8:30 AM  
Investigation of the Capturing Mechanism of Aerosols on Functional Polymeric Fiber Matrix: Noori Na1; Abiral Regmi1; Jiyoung Chang1; 1University of Utah
    The COVID-19 pandemic raised the importance of wearing mask by learning that they are very effective to lower the spread of viruses by capturing the aerosols, produced when people talks or coughs, inside the fiber matrix. Despite the availability of masks, the understanding of aerosols’ essential mechanism and dynamic capture processes on a single fiber is still lacking, which is essential to manufacture highly protective masks and filters. This study aims to understand the capturing mechanism of aerosols on polymeric fibers. In the experiment aspect, fibers with different diameters and patterns will be tested for different flow rates. The analytical approach will be taken to theoretically estimate the capturing rate. The overall efficiency of capture will be evaluated from experimental results and theoretical prediction. The outcome of this project will serve as the foundation to further advance the functionality of masks and filters.

8:50 AM  Keynote
3D Printing Bionic Devices: Michael Mcalpine1; 1University of Minnesota
    The ability to three-dimensionally interweave biological and functional materials could enable the creation of devices possessing personalized geometries and functionalities. Indeed, interfacing active devices with biology in 3D could impact a variety of fields, including biomedical devices, regenerative biomedicines, bioelectronics, smart prosthetics, and human-machine interfaces. Our approach is to utilize extrusion-based multi-material 3D printing, which is an additive manufacturing technology that offers freeform, autonomous fabrication. This approach uses 3D printing and imaging for personalized device architectures; employs ‘nano-inks’ as an enabling route for introducing a diverse palette of functionalities; and combines 3D printing of biological and functional inks on a common platform to enable the interweaving of these two worlds, from biological to electronic. 3D printing is a multiscale platform, allowing for the incorporation of functional nanoscale inks, the printing of microscale features, and ultimately the creation of macroscale devices, enabling next-generation 3D printed bionic devices.

9:35 AM  Invited
Rapid and Scalable Fabrication of Hierarchical Multiscale Nanocomposite Films for Bone Tissue Repair and Infection Control: Amanda Clifford1; 1The University of British Columbia
    To increase the lifespan of metallic implants for skeletal tissue repair, both surface chemistry and morphology can be modified to prevent post-operative infection and enhance bone tissue integration at the interface. However, surface modification strategies used to fabricate coatings that simultaneously address the aforementioned requirements often utilize complicated fabrication processes, which are difficult to scale. In this talk, I will describe development of a new electrochemical process for rapid and scalable fabrication of nanocomposite films with programmed surface chemistry and hierarchical multiscale topography, which we predicted would enhance the longevity of orthopaedic implants. Surface modification utilizing these functional nanofilms resulted in increased osteoblast adhesion, proliferation, and resistance to bacterial biofilm formation compared to uncoated metallic substrates. Finally, we translated this technique for surface modification of high-touch surfaces in clinical settings, using an alternative nanofilm that prevented transmission of infectious disease by hindering adhesion and proliferation of bacteria cells while concurrently acting as biocidal agent towards a wide range of pathogens.

10:05 AM Break

10:25 AM  Keynote
Electrical Detection and Characterization of Individual Molecules with Single Nanometer-scale Pores: John Kasianowicz1; Jessica Benjamini2; Kenneth Rubinson3; Haiyan Wang4; 1USF Tampa; 2Columbia University; 3Wright State University; 4Southeast University
    Biological nanometer-scale protein pores are the basis of many critical functions, including nerve and muscle activity and the transport of macromolecules across cell membranes. We have been adapting them for a wide range of single molecule-based physical and analytical applications, including the detection, characterization, and identification of ions, synthetic polymers, DNA, metallic nanoparticles, and proteins in aqueous solution. In the absence of analyte, an ionic current of electrolytes flows through a single nanopore in response to an applied electrostatic potential. When an individual molecule enters a nanopore, both the degree by which it reduces the current and the residence time of the molecule in the nanopore depend on the molecule’s physical and chemical properties. The method has been used to sequence DNA, discriminate between polymers based on their size, and identify subtly different species of metallo-nanoparticles. The development of solid-state nanopores for single molecule detection applications will also be discussed.