Advanced Magnetic Materials for Sensors, Power, and Multifunctional Applications: Structures and Properties of Multifunctional Magnetic Materials
Sponsored by: TMS Functional Materials Division, TMS: Magnetic Materials Committee
Program Organizers: Daniel Salazar, BCMaterials; Alex Leary, NASA Glenn Research Center; Eric Theisen, Energy & Environmental Research Center; Huseyin Ucar, California Polytechnic University,Pomona; Yongmei Jin, Michigan Technological University
Thursday 2:00 PM
March 3, 2022
Room: 213B
Location: Anaheim Convention Center
Session Chair: Daniel Salazar, BCMaterials
2:00 PM Invited
Current Challenges on Magnetic Sensors for Bio Applications Based on Giant Magnetoimpedance: Eduardo Fernandez Martin1; Nerea Lete Segura2; Alfredo Garcia-Arribas2; 1BCMaterials; 2Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU)
Magnetic micro and nano particles are widely used as biomarker proteins, drug carriers, and hyperthermia to name some applications [1]. In most of the cases, the particles must be to be integrated into simple inexpensive systems for accurate, sensitive detection. Depending on the application, the magnetic fields that must be detected can be as low as few picoTesla. It is well known that the giant magnetoimpedance can measure such low fields with proper signal conditioning [2]. However, there are some challenges that must be solved as miniaturization and integration, the need of biasing with a low field, and high frequency excitation with complex electronics for conditioning the electrical signal. Moreover, the trend on disposable devices rather than lab on a chip device means that the disposable device must power wirelessly and be flexible. [1] Lab Chip, 2017,17, 1884-1912[2] IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 379-388, 2013
2:30 PM
Heusler Alloys: Past, Properties, New Alloys, and Mechanical Properties: Sheron Tavares1; Marc Meyers1; 1University of California San Diego
Heusler alloys, discovered serendipitously at the beginning of the twentieth century, have emerged in the twenty-first century as exciting materials for numerous remarkable functional applications, including spintronics and thermoelectric devices. The basic structural characteristic is an ordered structure with an FCC superlattice and a BCC unit cell. Heusler alloys are classified into full Heusler (X2Y1Z1), half Heusler (X1Y1Z1), quaternary Heusler and inverse Heusler. We review the discovery of these materials, the principles behind their magnetic and electronic properties, the mechanical properties, and the magnetic shape memory effect that some of them exhibit. We discuss the current challenges and future directions. In spite of the intense research on their functional properties, there has been little effort to establish their mechanical performance.
2:50 PM
Spontaneous Exchange Bias in a Metamagnetic Heusler Alloy Thin Film: Vasileios Alexandrakis1; Ivan Rodriguez Aseguinolaza2; Dimitrios Anastasakos1; Jose Manuel Barandiaran2; Volodymyr Chernenko3; Jose Maria Porro3; 1NCSR “Demokritos”; 2University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU); 3BCMaterials
Metamagnetic Heusler alloys are actively being investigated because of their great potential as magnetocaloric materials. Their properties are intimately related to the nanoscale homogeneity of their magnetic properties. Here, a spontaneous exchange bias phenomenon on a Ni-Co-Mn-Sn metamagnetic Heusler sputtered film is presented and studied in detail. DC magnetization curves measured as a function of the temperature demonstrate that the system exhibits canonical spin-glass-like features. After a careful study of the field-cooling and zero field-cooling curves measured on this system the existence of magnetic inhomogeneities is inferred, due to the competition between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions between Mn atoms. AC susceptibility measurements demonstrate that the underlying exchange bias phenomenon can be attributed to a magnetic clusters model based on superferromagnetic-like interactions present in the film. These findings suggest that the spontaneous exchange bias exhibited by the studied system is a consequence of the formation of this superferromagnetic-like state.
3:10 PM
Effect of Mesoscale L21 Domain Size on the Nucleation of Thermoelastic Martensitic Transformation in Ni45Co5Mn36.7In13.3 Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys: Juan Lago1; Woohyun Cho1; Daniel Salas1; Yijia Zhang1; Ibrahim Karaman1; Patrick Shamberger1; 1Texas A&M University
The types of defects that can aid martensitic transformation and affect the nucleation barrier, thermal hysteresis, and reversibility require further investigation. Particularly the effect of mesoscale L21 domain size on thermoelastic martensitic nucleation remains unclear. Understanding defects as potent nucleation sites is vital to improving magnetocaloric and shape memory alloys' energy conversion and fatigue life. Furthermore, as the thermal hysteresis increases in small length scales, the role of potent defects becomes critical in controlling nucleation. In this study, nucleation potency distributions of Ni45Co5Mn36.7In13.3 microparticles were used to investigate L21 order domain size effects. The defect state across particle sizes was evaluated by comparing the martensitic transformation characteristics of solution heat-treated and secondary annealed samples during temperature-dependent magnetization measurements. The resulting martensitic transformation loops were the basis for comparing the nucleation potency of L21 domain sizes.
3:30 PM Break
3:45 PM
Crack Detection in Structural Material Using Phase Transforming Magnetic Particles: Woohyun Cho1; Ibrahim Karaman1; 1Texas A&M University
The idea of the sensory magnetic particles for crack detection arises from their phase transforming ability causing their magnetism to alter accompanied with martensitic transformation. Micron-sized ferromagnetic shape memory alloy (FSMA) particles are to be embedded in structural materials to detect any stress-induced cracks within the materials. In this work, we investigate 1) material selection and material processing for an adequate type of magnetic particles, 2) proper embedding of the particles in the structural materials, 3) how to confirm the sensing ability through the whole "composite" material we create. This study shows promising results on utilizing FSMA particles for structural health monitoring.
4:05 PM Cancelled
Magneto-mechanical Properties and Magneto-caloric Behaviour of Rapidly Solidified Melt-spun Ni50Mn28Ga22 Heusler Alloy: Deepak Satapathy1; P Babu2; Imaddin Al-Omari3; Shampa Aich1; 1Indian Institute of Technology; 2UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research; 3Sultan Qaboos University
Rapidly solidified melt-spun ribbons of Ni50Mn28Ga22 Heusler alloy were synthesized at two different wheel speeds of 1300 and 1600 RPM and were annealed at different temperatures over different time periods to study the magneto-mechanical properties and magnetocaloric behavior of the alloy. Annealed ribbons showed higher MFIS (magnetic field induced strain) than as-spun ribbons; ribbon prepared at 1300 RPM and annealed at 900 ⁰C for 5 hours (1300NMG5900) showed the highest MFIS value ~ 1547 µε. From the texture analysis, a higher magnetization value at 90⁰ angle of alignment of the sample surface with respect to the field direction indicates that a <110> easy axis might be a possibility. Magnetocaloric behaviors of the ribbons were investigated with the help of SQUID magnetometer. ∆Sm values were calculated from the SQUID data which were further used to calculate the RC (refrigeration capacity) values. The highest RC value was obtained for 1300NMG5800; 273 J/kg.
4:25 PM
Enhanced Magnetostriction in Galfenol through Dilute Ce-doping: Alexander Baker1; Hunter Henderson1; Emily Moore1; Mohammad Islam2; Yumi Ijiri3; Matthew Willard2; Scott McCall1; Alfred Amon1; 1Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; 2Case Western Reserve University; 3Oberlin College and Conservatory
Magnetostrictive materials such as FeGa (Galfenol) provide high precision solid-state sensing capabilities, with applications in magnetic field sensing, load cells, or tunable inductor circuits. The magnetostrictive coefficient in Galfenol can be enhanced by doping rare earth elements, with recent reports showing that light rare earths such as Ce or La are particularly effective. Here we demonstrate that these enhancements can be achieved with much lower levels of Ce than previously thought. This investigation is motivated by CALPHAD studies of the Fe-Ga-Ce phase diagram, which identified the solubility limit of Ce in FeGa, and showed that higher Ce levels lead to the formation of a deleterious CeGa2 phase, which can be suppressed by quenching from elevated temperatures. Experimental results confirm that additional Ce does not further enhance performance. A comprehensive study of Ce additions will be presented, identifying the conditions required to achieve optimal properties. Prepared by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA2
4:45 PM
Phase Stability of Fe-Ga-Ce-Zr Alloys: Emily Moore1; Devika Nandwana2; Alexander Baker1; Mohammad Islam3; Hunter Henderson1; Yumi Ijiri4; Matthew Willard3; Scott McCall1; 1Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; 2Case Western Reserve University ; 3Case Western Reserve University; 4Oberlin College
Galfenol,(Fe100x-Gax, 10≤x≤30) an iron rich alloy within the Fe-Ga system exhibits a considerable magnetostriction coefficient, making it a viable candidate for applications in sensor technology. To improve manufacturing costs of Fe-Ga alloys, dopants such as Ce and Zr may be used to enhance the magnetostriction of polycrystalline forms of the material. Building on recent work, where a thermodynamic database for the Fe-Ga system has been established, the addition of alloying elements to improve magnetostrictive properties is investigated. In doing so a CALPHAD-type thermodynamic database is expanded to include the Fe-Ga-Ce-Zr system. Application of this database and understanding the effects of alloying elements on phase formation allows for an efficient and effective method to design new magnetostrictive materials. Prepared by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344