Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials 2022: On-Demand Poster Session
Sponsored by: TMS Extraction and Processing Division, TMS: Materials Characterization Committee
Program Organizers: Mingming Zhang, Baowu Ouyeel Co. Ltd; Jian Li, CanmetMATERIALS; Bowen Li, Michigan Technological University; Sergio Monteiro, Instituto Militar de Engenharia; Shadia Ikhmayies, The University of Jordan; Yunus Kalay, Middle East Technical University; Jiann-Yang Hwang, Michigan Technological University; Juan Escobedo-Diaz, University of New South Wales; John Carpenter, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Andrew Brown, Devcom Arl Army Research Office; Rajiv Soman, Eurofins EAG Materials Science LLC; Zhiwei Peng, Central South University
Monday 8:00 AM
March 14, 2022
Room: Characterization
Location: On-Demand Poster Hall
Session Chair: Mingming Zhang, Baowu Ouyeel Co. Ltd
Characterization of Slag and Growth of Ferronickel Grains during Smelting of Nickel Laterite Ore: Donglai Ma1; Jianbo Zhao1; Hanghang Zhou1; Zhixiong You1; 1Chongqing University
The aggregation of ferronickel particles and separation of metal fraction from slag fraction are pivotal during the pyrometallurgical smelting nickel laterite ore. Thus, many measures were adopted to regulate the properties of slag and metal fractions. In this study, Na2S, Na2CO3 and FeO were used to regulate the properties of a basic slag (64 wt.% SiO2–9 wt.% Al2O3–3 wt.% CaO–24 wt.% MgO). The liquid phase content, melting temperature as well as viscosity of different slag compositions were determined from the view of thermodynamics. Then, the aggregation behaviors of ferronickel particles in the presence of different additives were investigated. The experimental results indicated that the average diameter of ferronickel particles increased from <10 μm to larger than 35 μm when 3.3% Na2S was added, comparing to an average diameter less than 30 μm by adding the other two additives. The effect of Na2S was proved to be the most efficient.
Evaluation of Recyclable Thermoplastics for the Manufacturing of Wind Turbines Blades H-Darrieus: Andrés Olivera Castillo1; Edwin Chica1; Henry Colorado1; 1Universidad de Antioquia
Wind energy is one of the most important clean energy sources. However, the manufacturing of the blades requires a rethinking considering circular economy concepts, moreover, the blades can hold solid wastes from other processes. However, the most direct adverse environmental effect is in the dismantling of the turbines wind power since thermoset materials are the most typical material for the blades. Thus, this research seeks to evaluate 4 types of thermoplastic materials (PLA, PLA with carbon fiber, PETG, PETG with carbon fiber) manufactured in a 3D printer, which were compared via mechanical, thermal, and UV exposure tests. The material that meets the best conditions will be the one used to manufacture the blades of an H-Darrieus wind turbine on a laboratory scale. The power curve will be evaluated and will be compared with a turbine manufactured with conventional materials (Epoxy and carbon fiber).
Coking Coal Macromolecular Structural Characteristic and Its Correlations with the Compressive Strength of CaO-containing Carbon Pellets: Xiaomin You1; Jingsong Wang1; Xuefeng She1; Qingguo Xue1; 1State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy, University of Science and Technology Beijing
CaO-containing carbon pellets (CCCP) preparing from well-mixed coking coal (CC) and calcium oxide (CaO) were roasted at different pyrolysis temperatures(400–800°C). To investigate the effect of roasted temperature on the compressive strength of CCCP, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction were adopted to characterized macromolecular structure changes of CC in CCCP. The results showed that the compressive strength of CCCP increased with the increase of temperature. The compressive strength of CCCP was negatively correlated with the peak intensity ratio (ID1/IG ) value and positively correlated with the peak intensity ratio ( IG/IAll ) value. A linear relationship between the compressive strength of CCCP and the carbon layer spacing of CC was established. As temperature increased, the structural defects and imperfections of carbon crystallites were gradually decreased. The aromatic carbon layers were more closely packed, which formed high-order CC. As a result, the compressive strength of CCCP increased.
Synthesis and Electrical and Magnetic Characterization of Electroceramics Type Ba1-xEuxTi1-x/4O3 (x = 0.001 and x = 0.005% by Weight Eu3+): J. P. Hernández-Lara1; M. Pérez-Labra1; A. Hernández-Ramírez2; J. A. Romero-Serrano2; F. R. Barrientos-Hernández1; J.C. Juárez-Tapia1; M. Reyes-Pérez1; V. E. Reyes-Cruz1; 1UAEH; 2National Polytechnic Institute
In this work, the synthesis of solid solutions type Ba1-xEuxTi1-x / 4O3 (x = 0.001 and x = 0.005% by weight Eu3+) and its subsequent determination of electrical and magnetic properties was carried out. The samples were synthesized by the conventional solid state reaction method. The grinding of the BaCO3, TiO2 and Eu2O3 precursor powders was carried out in an agate mortar with acetone as a control medium. The powders were mixed and calcined at 900 ° C, then green pellets were manufactured which were sintered at 1350 ° C for 5 hours. The experimental results obtained by x-ray diffraction showed the presence of tetragonal BaTiO3 phase in the BaTiO3 sample doped with Eu3+ x = 0.001 and x = 0.005% by weight. Electrical measurements (Capacitance and permittivity) and magnetic measurements were made. Scanning electron microscopy results showed mostly sintered sub-rounded particles.
Characterization of Soil from Areas Degraded by Mining Activity in Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ, Brazil: Afonso Azevedo1; Júlia Brainer1; Markssuel Marvila1; Gustavo Xavier1; Sergio Monteiro2; 1Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense; 2IME
The clay mineral extraction activity for the production of ceramic artifacts generates huge problems related to degraded areas. The objective of this research was a physical, chemical, mineralogical and environmental characterization of different soils from regions degraded by the mining activity, located in the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil. Soils were collected and characterized according to their technological and environmental parameters in order to compare their results to the limits proposed by the literature and the Brazilian standard, and to verify the potential environmental problem that occurred. The results showed that in all samples evaluated there was the presence of contaminants from the exposure of clayey material to weathering and potential damage from exposure to the water table, in addition to diesel oil from leaks from the tanks of trucks that worked in the clay extraction, causing changes in the results of chemical characterization of the samples.
Characterization of Mortar in Fresh State with the Addition of Acai Fiber: Afonso Azevedo1; Diego Rocha1; Thuany Lima1; Markssuel Marvila1; Euzebio Zanelato2; Jonas Alexandre1; Sergio Neves Monteiro3; Henry Colorado4; 1Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense; 2IFF; 3IME; 4Universidad de Antioquia
The natural fiber from açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) is an example of agroindustrial waste generated in large quantities in Brazil. The objective of this work is to evaluate the technological characteristics of mortars in their fresh state, reinforced with the addition of natural açaí fiber, submitted to a type of surface treatment, such as immersion in NaOH, KOH and Ca(OH)2 in the concentration of 10%. The mixtures have a ratio of 1:3 (cement: sand) with additions of 0 (reference), 2.5%, 5.0% and 10% of the açaí fiber, in relation to the cement mass. Tests were carried out to determine the consistency index, mass density in the fresh state, incorporated air content, water retention. The results showed that the 4.5% mixture treated with KOH was the one that showed the best results due to its lower density and one of the highest water retentions.
Comparative Study of Staining Resistance for Polished and Resined Silicatic Ornamental Rocks: Silmara Rocha1; Evanizis Castilho2; Afonso Azevedo3; Lucas Reis3; Markssuel Marvila3; Sergio Neves Monteiro4; 1IFES; 2UENF/IFES; 3Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense; 4IME
The consumption of ornamental stones has become expressive in the world and has spread widely as a coating material. Therefore, in order to overcome the problems observed in relation to mechanical strength associated with rocks, an epoxy-based resin was developed to waterproof them and maintain their strength. Therefore, in addition to verifying whether the resin promotes resistance gains, the possibility that it offers stain resistance was evaluated. To carry out the tests, four types were chosen whose commercial names are: Ornamental Yellow, Corumbazinho Gray, Ocher Itabira and Labrador Green, divided into polished and resined. After the test, lemon juice and steel wool were the staining agents that caused the most visible changes. In addition, it was observed that some resin materials had a greater loss of gloss compared to polished ones, making it clear that the resin did not waterproof the rock in terms of loss of gloss.
Characterization and Stain Analysis in Natural and Artificial Rocks: Marialice Freitas1; Evanizis Castilho2; Afonso Azevedo2; José Alexandre Linhares Júnior2; Markssuel Marvila2; Sergio Neves Monteiro3; 1IFES; 2Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense; 3IME
Technological characterization tests have an important influence on the evaluation of rocks, for an assertive choice of use. In this context, this work aims to evaluate the resistance that various types of natural and artificial rocks have to staining by everyday substances, through the ABNT-NBR 13818:1997 standard, annex G. During the tests, changes in the brightness of the rocks were also evaluated. After the tests, it was observed that 25% of the artificial rocks had permanent spots and in the group of natural rocks 39.29%. In general, most of the samples tested underwent some kind of change in visual appearance and final brightness. It is concluded that the artificial rocks presented greater resistance to the attack of staining agents. The group of artificial rocks presented a performance about 15% higher than that of natural rocks in terms of the presence of permanent spots.
Development of Metakaolin Based Geopolymer Mortar and the Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Waste: Leandro Oliveira1; Afonso Azevedo1; Markssuel Marvila1; Carlos Mauricio Vieira1; Niander Cerqueira1; Sergio Neves Monteiro2; 1Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense; 2IME
It is estimated that the cement industry is responsible for 5-7% of all CO2 generated in the world. However, alternatives to Portland cement have been researched, with emphasis on geopolymers, which are materials obtained through the reaction of a source rich in aluminosilicate, together with an alkaline activator. The aim of this study is the development of metakaolin based geopolymer mortar and the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) waste, alkali activated with hydroxide and sodium silicate for structural reinforcement. Initially, samples of geopolymers, with different dosages, were prepared and tested in compression after curing at ambient temperature and 90ºC for 14 days. The results showed that the geopolymer made from 90% metakaolin and 10% FGD residue obtained the higher compressive strength of 19.39 MPa. This preliminary data revealed that this geopolymer can serve as a potential material for civil construction due to its availability, affordability, compressive strength values and environmental sustainability.
Determination of Strength to the Hard Body Impact of Raw, Resinate and Screened Ornamental Rocks: Andréia Hilário1; Evanizis Castilho2; Afonso Azevedo3; Thuany Lima3; Markssuel Marvila3; Sergio Neves Monteiro4; 1IFES; 2UENF/IFES; 3Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense; 4IME
Ornamental rocks applied to civil construction are subject to the appearance of cracks and ruptures. Some processes provide the rock with greater resistance to bending efforts. The resin coating method consists of applying a mixture of resin and catalyst on the surface to be used, while meshing is the process of fixing a fiberglass mesh on the unfinished face of the rock. This work shows the results achieved in hard body impact resistance tests, aiming to define and scale the increase in resistance using resin and screen in materials with a thickness of 0.03 m. The rocks used in this work are commercially known as: Vicenza, Romanix and Nevasca. The research results indicate the effectiveness of the application of resin and mesh provided by the significant increase in strength. However, the raw materials also achieved satisfactory results, especially the Nevasca material, which obtained the highest average of rupture heights.
Comparative Study of the Flexural Strength of Rock Materials for Applications in Civil Construction: Lynda Campos1; Evanizis Castilho1; Afonso Azevedo2; Tulane Silva2; Markssuel Marvila2; Euzebio Zanelato2; Sergio Neves Monteiro3; 1IFES; 2Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense; 3IME
The sector of ornamental rocks has been enabling the insertion of more sustainable technologies in industrial activities and extraction, thus, seeking better use of rock materials for cladding in the construction industry. This study aimed to evaluate the flexural strength of rock materials when submitted to shingling and resin coating techniques. The work quantified the modulus of rupture from bending stresses at four points, according to Brazilian standard. The materials analyzed were Vicenza, Romanix and Nevasca, in their raw state and after being submitted to epoxy-based shingling and resin coating. The results showed that after the strengthening processes of the materials evaluated, there was an increase in flexural strength in four points for both materials when compared to NBR 15.844, except the material "Nevasca" (raw state), which did not show a satisfactory value. Thus, most of the materials could be considered suitable for coating in civil construction applications.
Study of the Determination of Hardbody Impact Resistance of Screened and Non-screened Ornamental Rocks of Different Thickness: Matheus Braga1; Evanizis Castilho2; Afonso Azevedo3; Ariana Cruz3; Markssuel Marvila3; Sergio Neves Monteiro3; 1IFES; 2UENF / IFES; 3Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense
Ornamental stones have been increasingly used in civil construction and, therefore, knowing the technological characteristics of these materials is of paramount importance to determine which types of stone are most suitable for each application. This work studies ornamental stones applied as floors, where they are exposed to the possibility of cracking and breaking as a result of falling objects. For this, five different types of rock with different thicknesses were submitted to the screening process, which consists of applying a fiberglass screen on the unfinished face of the rock. Rocks with and without screens were then subjected to the hard body impact strength test. The results confirmed the screen's efficiency in increasing the impact strength of rocks and also showed that the thinner rocks with the screen reached higher strengths than the thicker rocks without the screen.
Evaluation of Mortars with the Addition of Natural and Treated Açaí Core (Euterpe Oleracea Mart.): Gabriel Monteiro1; Afonso Azevedo1; Markssuel Marvila1; Jorge de Brito2; Jonas Alexandre1; Sergio Neves Monteiro3; 1Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense; 2Universidade de Lisboa; 3IME
The açaí tree is a palm tree found on a large scale in the northern region of Brazil, one of the main non-timber forest products and with great economic potential in Brazilian soils and other countries, such as Colombia and Peru. However, the wastes, which represent around 85% of the total fruit, cause a serious environmental problem, since around 365 tons of açaí seeds are discarded daily, with no reuse forecast. This research studies the feasibility of adding these wastes to mortars through the partial replacement of natural sand, at 10% in mass. Compositions with natural seeds, treated with NaOH and treated with KOH were used. After 28 days, the mortars were submitted to compressive strength, density and water absorption tests. It is concluded that the addition of the waste in all compositions generates a reduction in compressive strength, and its usefulness is limited to small repairs and fillings.
Use of Glass Waste as a Geopolymerization Reaction Activator for Ceramic Materials: Afonso Azevedo1; Markssuel Marvila1; Leandro Oliveira1; Daiane Cecchin1; Paulo Matos2; Gustavo Xavier1; Carlos Mauricio Vieira1; Sergio Monteiro3; 1Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense; 2UFSM; 3IME
Geopolymeric materials have been widely studied due to technological and environmental advantages, which in the case of applications in ceramic materials is due to the non-need for sintering the parts. The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of using the glass polishing residue as a constituent element of the activating solution, together with NaOH, in geopolymerization reactions, aiming at the production of ceramic artifacts. Specimens were submitted with thermal curing at 60 ºC and ambient temperature of 23 ºC with in ratio to SiO2/ Al2O3 of 3 and 4. Were evaluated of technological properties such as apparent specific mass, linear shrinkage, water absorption and mechanical resistance to flexion in the specimens. The results showed a potential for application of the glass polishing residue as a component of the alkaline solution, improving the properties evaluated when in thermal curing and with a SiO2/ Al2O3 ratio of 4.0.
Fundamental Study on Wettability of Pure Metal Using the Low-melting Temperature Alloy - Theoretical Approach: Jun-Ichi Saito1; Hideo Shibutani2; Yohei Kobayashi3; 1Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 2Kurume Institute of Technology; 3National Institute of Technology, Maizuru College
An electronic state of interface between liquid low-melting temperature alloy and pure metal was calculated to evaluate the experimental results of wettability of pure metal using the low-melting temperature alloy. And the contact angle was evaluated by the atomic bonding of interface. The molecular orbital calculation was utilized for the calculation of electronic state of interface. The low-melting temperature alloy consists of bismuth, tin and indium. Aluminum, titanium, iron, nickel, copper, zirconium, niobium and molybdenum were selected as the substrate metal. From the calculation result an electronic density of state of interface was similar to that of bulk metal. It means the electronic state of interface was expressed well in this calculation. It became clear that an atomic bonding at interface changed with the atomic number of substrate metal.We will report a relationship between the atomic bonding and the contact angle of wettability in the presentation.
Fundamental Study on Wettability of Pure Metal Using the Low-melting Temperature Alloy - Experimental Approach -: Yohei Kobayashi1; Jun-ichi SAITO2; Hideo Shibutani3; 1National Institute of Technology, Maizuru college; 2Japan Atomic Energy Agency; 3Kurume Institute of Technology
Wettability is one of properties between liquid and solid material and it is very important factor affecting on acoustic property, corrosion property and so on. In this study, some experiments of wettability of pure metals were performed using the low-melting temperature alloy in order to get many fundamental information of wettability. The low-melting temperature alloy consists of bismuth, tin and indium. Aluminum, titanium, iron, nickel, copper, zirconium, niobium and molybdenum were used as a substrate metal. Test temperature was 353K and test atmosphere was in air. A droplet of the low-melting temperature alloy was put on the substrate metal and a contact angle was measured. From the measurement results, the contact angle changed depending on the substrate metal. It is suggested that the contact angle has relations with the atomic bonding between the substrate metal and liquid metal. The details of experimental results will describe in my presentation.
Comparison of Ceramic Blocks Incorporated with Ornamental Rock Waste in Hoffman and Caieira Furnace: Euzebio Zanelato1; Afonso Azevedo2; Markssuel Marvila2; Sergio Monteiro3; Jonas Alexandre2; 1IFF; 2Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense; 3IME
The production of ceramic materials for the construction industry consists of different processes, among which burning can be highlighted. The burning process is primarily responsible for the final properties of the ceramic piece. As it is a gradual process of increasing the temperature, the environment provided by the furnace is essential for the burning to occur in a homogeneous way. Considering the trend of incorporation of waste in ceramics, the objective of this work is to compare the performance of two different furnaces, Hoffman and Caieira, in the production of ceramic pieces incorporated with ornamental rock waste. Physical and chemical characterization tests of the residue and clays were carried out. To evaluate the performance of the pieces burned in each furnace, mechanical resistance, water absorption and linear variation tests were carried out. The results indicated that the pieces burned in the Hoffman furnace have superior properties to the Caieira furnace.
Evaluation of the Rheology of Mortars with Incorporation of Ornamental Stone Waste: Euzebio Zanelato1; Afonso Azevedo2; Markssuel Marvila2; Sergio Monteiro3; 1IFF; 2Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense; 3IME
The ornamental stone industry is a strategic market of great importance for many countries, however, the lack of an adequate destination for the waste generated causes a great environmental impact. The objective of this work is to evaluate the rheology of mortars with the incorporation of granite and marble residues for coating application. Physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization tests were carried out of the materials used in the manufacture of the mortar and incorporated waste. The mortars were made with incorporations of 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% with each one of the residues replacing the sand. Water retention and mechanical resistance tests were carried out, in addition to the Squeeze-flow test to evaluate the rheology. The results indicated that the marble residue improves both the mechanical strength and the rheology of mortars for application in coating. Granite residue improves mechanical strength, however, it presents lower rheology as granite incorporation increases.
Characterization of Blast Furnace Slag for Preparing Activated Alkali Cements: Markssuel Marvila1; Afonso Azevedo2; Euzébio Zanelato1; Sergio Monteiro1; Carlos Maurício Vieira1; 1Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro; 2Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense
Blast furnace slag (BFS) activated alkali cements are an alternative to the use of Portland cement. The objective of this work was to characterize a BFS for potential application as an activated alkali cement. Characterizations were performed using SEM, particle size, physical parameter analysis, chemical composition, XRD, FTIR and ATD. The mechanical strength of activated alkali cement, compared to Ordinary Portland cement (OPC), was also evaluated. The results demonstrate the feasibility of applying BFS as an alternative and eco-friendly cement, due to the characterization parameters being within the recommended range and due to the superior compressive strength of the OPC composition.
An Investigation of the Relationship between Raw Coal Caking Characteristics and Its Petrographic Properties: Yucen Kuang1; Wei Ren2; Lechi Zhang1; Shengfu Zhang1; 1Chongqing University; 2 Angang Steel Company Limited
In industry, the coking characteristics of coal are mainly based on investigating the traditional coal chemical indexes, and the coal petrology theory can better reflect the intrinsic properties of coal, so it is necessary to explore these two aspects. The relationship between the caking parameters and maceral properties of coal was obtained by testing and analysis. The results show that the formation of colloids in coal is mainly related to the vitrinite composition, and the Audibert-Arnu dilatation and caking index are closely related to the average maximum vitrinite reflectance. According to the softening temperature, the caking property of blending coal can be improved under the condition of ensuring the formation of colloids without temperature fault during the process. Since the parameters of macerals have an obvious effect on caking characteristics, it is of great significance to introduce the related indexes of macerals into the auxiliary production.
Influence of pH Regulating Additives on the Performance of Granite Waste Based Paints: Márcia Lopes1; Leonardo Pedroti1; Hellen Moura1; José Maria Carvalho1; José Carlos Ribeiro1; Gustavo Nalon1; 1Federal University of Viçosa
The production of paints containing waste from granite processing has been studied as an alternative pathway to sustainable development. However, the low stabilization of polyvinyl acetate resin (PVA) due to the basic pH of the waste is a limitation of these paints. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of pH regulating additives on the performance of PVA latex paints based on granite waste. The waste was characterized physically, chemically, mineralogically, and morphologically. Two pH-regulating additives (citric acid and sulfuric acid) were tested, considering different proportions of waste and resin used to produce the paints. Experimental tests were carried out to determine the hiding power of the dry paint and the resistance to wet abrasion without abrasive paste. Paints produced with sulfuric acid showed better performance, as the additive positively influenced the abrasion resistance and did not significantly affect the hiding power of the paints.