Additive Manufacturing: Materials Design and Alloy Development IV: Rapid Development: Fundamentals of Rapid Alloy Development
Sponsored by: TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division, TMS: Additive Manufacturing Committee, TMS: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Committee
Program Organizers: Behrang Poorganji, Nikon AM; Hunter Martin, HRL Laboratories LLC; James Saal, Citrine Informatics; Orlando Rios, University of Tennessee; Atieh Moridi, Cornell University; Jiadong Gong, Questek Innovations LLC

Monday 8:30 AM
February 28, 2022
Room: 261A
Location: Anaheim Convention Center

Session Chair: Behrang Poorganji, University of Toledo

8:30 AM  Invited
Accelerating Materials Design for Additive Manufacturing through Graded Alloy Deposition Techniques: Wei Xiong1; 1University of Pittsburgh
    Additive manufacturing techniques often introduce unique thermal history due to cyclic heating and cooling during beam melting. Therefore, the process-structure-property correlations are unique and challenging to model, which impedes the materials design and process optimization. Fortunately, the additive manufacturing technique itself sometimes enables us to accelerate alloy design by acting as a high-throughput design tool. In this talk, we will review some new opportunities regarding alloy design for additive manufacturing. We will highlight some case studies on alloy development for additive manufacturing through graded alloy processed by directed energy deposition with both powder and wire-based techniques. Through the discussion on 316L/HSLA steel, 316L/Inconel718, Haynes 282, and P91/740H graded alloy additive manufacturing, we will further evaluate the technical challenges associated with heat treatment optimization, which is essential for additive manufacturing alloys with precipitation hardening.

9:00 AM  Invited
Additive Manufacturing Based Combinatorial Approach for Assessing the Magnetic Properties of High Entropy Alloys: Sriswaroop Dasari1; M.S.K.K.Y. Nartu1; Varun Chaudhary2; Tushar Borkar3; Bharat Gwalani4; Raju Ramanujan2; Rajarshi Banerjee1; 1University of North Texas; 2Nanyang Technological University; 3Cleveland State University; 4Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    A combinatorial assessment of composition-microstructure-magnetic property relationships in the magnetic high entropy AlCoxCr1-xFeNi alloy (0≤x≤1) system has been carried out using compositionally graded alloys fabricated via laser additive manufacturing. At one end the AlCoFeNi composition consisted of equiaxed B2 grains, exhibiting very early stages of phase separation into Ni-Al rich and Fe-Co rich regions. At the other extreme, the AlCrFeNi composition exhibited pronounced spinodal decomposition, resulting in a B2+bcc microstructure with the degree of spinodal decomposition progressively increasing with Cr content. While the saturation magnetization monotonically increases six times from x=0 to x=1, the coercivity variation is non-monotonic, increasing seven times from x=0 to x=0.4, and subsequently decreasing fourteen times from x=0.4 to x=1.0. The magnetic phase transition temperature for these alloys also increases monotonically with increasing Co content. Such substantial changes in the magnetization behavior opens possibilities of tuning these alloys for specific soft or hard magnetic component applications.

9:30 AM  Invited
Design of Alloy Compositions Conducive to AM: Abhinav Saboo1; Marie Thomas1; Jacqueline Hardin1; Greg Olson1; Jiadong Gong1; Dana Frankel1; 1QuesTek Innovations LLC
    Additive Manufacturing technology provides increased design freedom in producing near-net shaped components resulting in unique component designs, which are not possible to produce using conventional fabrication processes. One of the leading materials challenges in AM is adaptation of existing materials, either leading to poor processability, undesirable microstructures, or low properties. Conventional alloys are designed based on constraints of conventional materials processing and manufacturing technologies. Apart from issues discussed above, AM also provides unique alloy design opportunities that are not possible via conventional processing. QuesTek Innovations LLC has successfully developed alloy composition conducive to AM. In this talk, examples of successful alloy design ranging from steels to Cu-alloys to Ni-superalloys will be demonstrated. Design of alloys were highly accelerated by development of computation models (ICME models) and optimization framework for describing and exploiting various process-structure-property relationships for AM alloys to meet design goals.

10:00 AM Break

10:15 AM  Invited
Why Model When You Can Just Go Print? Valuable Lessons From “Quick and Clean” Experimentation in AM: Jacob Nuechterlein1; 1Elementum 3D, Inc.
    Unlike most manufacturing processes, AM techniques such as laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) have the advantage that prototyping and volume production are based on the same process; if you can print a few widgets well, you can print 2000 with the same process parameters. Our experience at Elementum 3D is that the low barrier and low risk to experimentation with AM make quick and direct experimentation less time consuming and more intrinsically valuable than extensive modeling done in preparation for experimentation. Modeling can still be very useful in AM for narrowing the parameter space for process development. However, material behavior in LPBF is too dependent on factors like machine-to-machine variability and material feedstock quality for modeling to accurately predict reality. In this talk, I will discuss several occurrences at Elementum 3D where relying on easily obtainable experimental results rather than modeling outputs would have saved the company time and money.

10:45 AM  
Design Cycle Reductions in Novel Material and Alloy Development: Michael Juhasz1; Melanie Lang1; Jeff Riemann1; 1FormAlloy Technologies, Inc.
    Directed Energy Deposition (DED) as an AM technology can exploit real reductions in novel material development due to its ability to use multiple materials within the same build, and low material consumption. Within an ICME framework, many compositional architectures can be developed quickly. However, inefficiencies still exist when bridging between computational possibilities and physical samples. With that in mind, FormAlloy developed their ADF Alloy Development Feeder to work in conjunction with their DED machine. With the ADF, up to 16 different compositions can be deposited quickly. Presented here is a methodology which seeks to reduce some of the inefficiencies in novel material design with some preliminary results.

11:05 AM  
A Phase-field Study of Microstructure Development in a Melt Pool during Additive Manufacturing: Yijia Gu1; Xiaoming He1; 1Missouri University of Science and Technology
    A phase-field model incorporated with the coupled thermal-solutal diffusion and solute trapping was developed for the rapid solidification of dilute alloys. Using the developed phase-field model, the solidification of a melt pool during additive manufacturing (AM) process was investigated. The predicted temperature evolution, as well as the solute concentration evolution at both sides of the solid-liquid interface depict a complex solidification process. The simulation predicted three distinct stages of the solidification of the melt pool, i.e. initial transient, steady state, and final transient. The predicted velocity of the interface during steady state agreed well with experimental observations. In addition, the solidification structures including the width of the coarse band and spacing of the cell structure predicted from the phase-field simulation agrees well with experimental observations quantitatively. In summary, the developed phase-field model shows the potential to unveil the mechanism of microstructures development during rapid solidifications.

11:25 AM  
Rapid Alloy Design via Additively Manufacturing Compositionally Graded Materials: Siyuan Wei1; Yakai Zhao1; Pei Wang2; Upadrasta Ramamurty1; 1Nanyang Technological University; 2Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Agency for Science, Technology and Research
    Currently, there has been extensive work done on laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) fabricated metallic parts, but most of the alloys explored are those designed for conventional methods. Hence, metal L-PBF is still in its nascent stage, with the exploration of new alloy chemistries and/or fabrication of components with unique functional and/or mechanical properties being relatively unexplored. For the former, in-situ alloying offers significant potential in terms of exploring the composition-microstructure-property relationship by easily adjusting the powder feedstock mixtures. Here, in-situ alloying is utilized in building compositionally graded Fe-Al alloys. Microstructural characterization of the fabricated coupons shows a columnar to equiaxed grain structure transition with increasing Al content along the building direction, which is induced by the constitutional undercooling. This method is promising in rapidly examining composition-microstructure-property relationship of various classes of alloys and then sheds light on new paradigm of alloy design.