REWAS 2022: Coupling Metallurgy and Sustainability: An EPD Symposium in Honor of Diran Apelian: On-Demand Oral Presentations
Sponsored by: TMS Extraction and Processing Division, TMS: Recycling and Environmental Technologies Committee, TMS: Aluminum Committee
Program Organizers: Elsa Olivetti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Brajendra Mishra, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Bart Blanpain, Ku Leuven; Adam Powell, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Mertol Gokelma, Izmir Institute of Technology; Camille Fleuriault, Eramet Norway

Monday 8:00 AM
March 14, 2022
Room: Energy & Environment (including REWAS 2022 Symposia)
Location: On-Demand Room

Recycled Cathode Materials Enabled Superior Performance for Lithium-ion Battery: Yan Wang1; 1Worcester Polytechnic Institute
    Recycling spent lithium-ion batteries can play a significant role in alleviating the shortage of raw materials and environmental problems. However, recycled materials are usually deemed inferior to commercial materials in terms of electrochemical performance, preventing the industry from adopting recycled materials in their batteries. Here, we demonstrate that the recycled LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 has a superior rate and cycle performance, verified by various industry-level tests. Specifically, 1 Ah cells with the recycled LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 have the best cycle life result reported for recycled materials and enable 4,200 cycles and 11,600 cycles at 80% and 70% capacity retention, which is 33% and 53% better than the state-of-the-art, commercial LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2. Meanwhile, the recycled LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 also shows an 88.6% better rate performance than the commercial powder at 5C. From both experimental and modeling results, the optimized microstructure of recycled materials enables the superior electrochemical performance. The recycled cathode material outperforms commercially available equivalent, providing a green and sustainable solution for spent lithium-ion batteries.

The Discharge Crucible Method: Update on Experimental Design, Measurements, and Orifice Wetting: Hani Henein1; 1University of Alberta
    The physicochemical properties, viscosity, density and surface tension, are critical properties of liquid metals and alloys. These properties are needed for thermodynamics, solidification modelling, and materials properties databases. The Discharge Crucible method (DC) developed in 2003 has been used to measure and report these properties for a wide range of liquid metals and alloys, including Sb, Sn, Zn, Al, Al-Cu, Sb-Sn, Sn-Ag, and AZ91D. The results are compared with published data and models that are proposed to predict these property values. This method is based on a mathematical formulation that predicts the velocity of a stream draining from an orifice. The viscous losses are calculated using a discharge coefficient equation and the gas-liquid surface tension is determined using the Young-Laplace overpressure induced in the jet. The model and experiments will be described along with the effect of nozzle shapes on the distribution of forces in the DC method, including the effect of wetting of the orifice. The aim is to define the optimal nozzle design for a good distribution of forces throughout a draining experiment.

Advances in Powder Metallurgy: Danielle Cote1; 1Worcester Polytechnic Institute
    Powder metallurgy has been around for longer than Diran. From back to 3000 B.C. with the Incas and Egyptians using iron powder to fabricate objects, through the early 18th century A.D. using gold, copper, and bronze powder for decorative purposes in Europe, to today – when metallic powders are supporting the additive manufacturing (AM) revolution. This research discusses how far we have come with advanced modeling and characterization techniques involving powder metallurgy, citing some of Diran’s original powder metallurgy manuscripts, which were used a foundation for some of this work. Particular focus will be given to powder metallurgy for its most recent AM applications.

Three Binders and Three Precast Elements from What Was Once Called “Residue”: Yiannis Pontikes1; Glenn Beersaerts1; Roberto Eduardo Murillo Alarcón1; Jorn Van De Sande1; Tobias Hertel1; 1KU Leuven
    Presumably, the Athenians of ancient Greece did not ask permission from other civilizations at that time on using marble for the Parthenon, and the same is probably true also for the Romans later on, when they built the Pantheon and the Colosseum, all buildings (and so many more) still standing. The use of cement nowadays is a different paradigm, as the typical cement globally is a Ca-rich formulation with well-defined crystal phases. The development of blended cements is already providing more options, where other materials can be employed often leading to better performance. Still, development of a new binder is associated almost by default with skepticism and a priori doubts, if not for the performance itself, then for the possibility to really deliver the more than 4 billion tons of cement used globally, or for the durability of this new material. All fair arguments, but an honest assessment will reveal that we do have formulations with proven performance and durability, at least for certain envisaged applications. As for the question on meeting the global demand, it is probably part of the problem itself: cements do not have to be the same for all. The “alternative” cements can be equally good, or better, with respect to performance and can be also more sustainable. With all the above as guiding principles, three binders and three precast, end-products, are presented, where the Extraordinary Leuven Cement, ELCE, is used. Next to the final products, the pilot-plan production is presented and in particular our choices to develop a simple, yet flexible and robust process. Inspiration on particular unit operations comes from the mining sector, metallurgy, ceramics, and other fields. This process is now housed in bespoke containers and can be demonstrated locally, with the hope to educate (and motivate) individuals and society to pursue alternative, more sustainable, solutions.