2024 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF Symp 2024): AM of Composites and Other Materials II
Program Organizers: Joseph Beaman, University of Texas at Austin
Tuesday 1:30 PM
August 13, 2024
Room: Salon A
Location: Hilton Austin
Session Chair: Nadim Hmeidat, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
1:30 PM
Interlayer Fracture of Large Area Additive Manufactured Short Fiber Composites: Arief Yudhanto1; Neshat Sayah1; Douglas Smith1; 1Baylor University
The advancement in large scale extrusion/deposition 3D printing technology enables the manufacturing of parts having relatively thick beads of polymer composites. Unfortunately, weak interfaces between beads limit the application space of parts produced by large scale extrusion/deposition to tooling and other low-stress designs. The mechanical integrity of large scale 3D-printed composite parts is mainly controlled by the cohesion between layers. Here, we employ fracture mechanics concepts to perform measurements and calculations of mode I interlayer fracture toughness between layers of neat ABS and carbon fiber ABS via double cantilever beam (DCB) test method. The effect of test specimen configuration (single vs. multiple beads) and rigid doublers (useful for eliminating a premature compressive failure but needs to be excluded in the calculation of total energy dissipation) is discussed. The experimental and data reduction methods developed here can be utilized to optimize the interlayer adhesion of large scale 3D printed materials.
1:50 PM Cancelled
Optimizing Parameters for Selective Laser Sintering of Composite Materials: A Case Study with Peanut Husk Powder/ Polyether Sulfone Composite: Aboubaker Idriss1; Hui Zhang2; 1Northeast Forestry University; 2Dalian Polytechnic University
This study introduces an innovative method for producing biomass-composites using selective laser sintering (SLS), utilizing peanut-husk powders (PP) and Polyethersulfone/(PES) to produce PP/PES (PPC). The aim is to expand material options for SLS applications and improve PPC mechanical properties. – PPC thermo-physical properties were analyzed to estimate suitable-temperatures. PPC samples were produced utilizing AFS-360-SLS, and their mechanical strengths were assessed via Byes-3003 machine. An orthogonal experimental method was employed to optimize SLS parameters. – PPC parts' properties were directly influenced by SLS parameters. Through orthogonal analysis, optimal parameters were determined, resulting in enhanced PPC properties. Improved PPC pieces exhibited superior mechanical properties compared to others, a validation confirmed through ANSYS simulation. – Optimized parameters enhance PPC's suitability for wooden-floors and furniture-manufacturing, addressing current SLS material limitations and peanut-husk-waste disposal concerns.–This study combines theoretical, experimental, and simulation methods to ensure the reliability of optimized parameters, guaranteeing the PPC future applicability.
2:10 PM
Prediction of Fatigue Properties of Fiber-reinforced Composites Manufactured by Material Extrusion: Mithila Rajeshirke1; Ismail Fidan1; Suhas Alkunte2; Vivekanand Naikwadi1; 1Tennessee Tech University; 2Old Dominion University
The inherent anisotropy and heterogeneity resulting from the inclusion of fibers into polymers make it challenging to predict the fatigue properties of fiber-reinforced composites manufactured by the material extrusion (MEX) process. A mathematical and computational technique, Homogenization, offers a solution by enabling the study of materials with complex microstructures. This approach allows for predicting behaviors effectively by upscaling the properties of constituent microstructural components. In this article, the fatigue properties of fiber-reinforced PETG components manufactured by MEX are predicted through a combination of homogenization and Basquin's model. Homogenization is achieved by the workbench's material designer tool and Basquin's model is a mathematical model for predicting fatigue properties. Such predictive methods hold promise for enhancing the performance and reliability of advanced composite materials in various engineering applications.
2:30 PM
High Temperature 3D Printing of Polyamide Magnetic Composites: Pratik U. Karkhanis1; Oluwasola Arigbabowo1; Wilhelmus Geerts1; Jitendra Tate1; 1Texas State University - San Marcos
Bonded magnetic composites (BMC) offer greater feasibility compared to sintered magnets due to their low density, resistance to corrosion, and suitability for additive manufacturing processes. On a 3D printer, manufacturing BMC using polymers like polyether ether ketone (PEEK) and polyamide requires printing at higher temperatures, which presents challenges such as uneven bed adhesion and the potential for damaging printer components. Our study focuses on modifying an off-the-shelf desktop 3D printer through the incorporation of a liquid nozzle cooling system and an external bed heating lamp unit for high-temperature fused filament fabrication applications. Composite filaments are produced using the twin screw extrusion technique, employing polyamide 4.6 as the binder matrix and Strontium ferrite powder as a filler. This combination yields robust magnetic properties. Magnetic properties assessed using a vibrating sample magnetometer demonstrate an increase in remanence (Mr), indicating the potential utility of BMC as permanent magnets.This work was supported in part by NSF through DMR-MRI Grant under award 2216440 and in part by a DoD instrumentation grant (78810-W911NF-21-1-0253). The authors are thankful to the staff of Texas State University's Analysis Research Service Center (ARSC) and Advanced Composites Lab (ACL).
2:50 PM
Optimal Silane Concentration for Strengthening PA12 and SFO Composite Filaments in FDM Printing: Preliminary Insights: Kiran Poudel1; Pratik Karkhanis2; Oluwasola Arigabowe2; Wilhelmus Geerts2; Jitendra Tate2; 1Ingram School of Engineering; 2Texas State University
Silane Treatment is a type of surface treatment which involves the application of silane, a coupling agent on the surface of a material to improve surface adhesion and bonding. Magnetic powder, i.e., Strontium ferrite (SFO), was treated with varying concentrations of silane using different mixing experimental setups. The treated samples were characterized using Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The silane retention was confirmed by EDAX and the mixing treatment to get a homogeneous distribution of silane on surface of the SFO powder was optimized. XPS measurements suggest the presence of approximately 1 monolayer of silane on the SFO particles. The magnetic properties of the non-treated and treated SFO powders were compared and no change in the magnetization was observed. Following the treatment, 10 wt. % PA-12/SFO filament were manufactured by a twin-screw extruder. Preliminary 3D printing experiments of mechanical test samples show that the flowability of the silane treated filament differs from the untreated material.
3:10 PM
The Behaviour of First-Generation Bio-Composites in a Multi-Axis Material Extrusion Application: Nathaniel Kaill1; Patrick Pradel1; Ian Campbell1; 1Loughborough University
In Material Extrusion (MEX), Wood Fibre Reinforced PLA embodies a sustainable promising alternative to standard PLA and Short Carbon Fibre Reinforced PLA (SCF-PLA) because of its enhanced mechanical characteristics and full biodegradability. By aligning the wood fibres to the direction of the load, Multi-Axis Material Extrusion (MAMEX) could further enhance the capabilities of WF-PLA. This paper compares the mechanical behaviour of WF-PLA, PLA and SCF-PLA samples made using 4 and 5 axes MEX. In 4-axes MEX, the results show that WF-PLA samples display 27% poorer ability to resist the applied loading than PLA, and 37% poorer than SCF PLA. Whereas in 5-axis MEX, WF-PLA samples were able to withstand the same amount of force as the PLA samples, but over a longer period. This research highlights that Wood Fibre-reinforced materials could be beneficial to the AM community and further development is required to fully exploit their opportunities.
3:30 PM
Four-Dimensional Printing of Reconfigurable and Programmable Polymer-Derived Ceramics: Yingbin Hu1; 1Miami University
The rising demand for intricate ceramic applications has sparked increased interest in ceramic additive manufacturing. Specifically, polymer-derived ceramics (PDCs) are gaining attention due to their notable thermal and chemical properties. However, their shape manipulation often relies on manual or mechanical means, limiting their practicality. Active materials have emerged as promising alternatives for achieving reconfigurable systems. While material extrusion can make PDCs self-deformable, it has limitations such as low solid phase content and resolution. This hampers its application in fields requiring high accuracy like aerospace. To overcome these challenges, a novel vat photopolymerization method has been proposed to create reconfigurable and programmable PDCs. By employing a two-step curing process, controlled shape transformations are achieved, offering potential for programmable structures. This approach is compatible with high-resolution four-dimensional printing and boasts high solid content, addressing a significant research gap and presenting a novel avenue for developing PDCs with programmable shape transformation capabilities.