Materials Processing Fundamentals: Numerical Process Simulations/Process Thermodynamics
Sponsored by: TMS Extraction and Processing Division, TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division, TMS: Process Technology and Modeling Committee
Program Organizers: Samuel Wagstaff, Oculatus Consulting; Allie Anderson, RHI Magnesita; Jonghyun Lee, Iowa State University; Adrian Sabau, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Fiseha Tesfaye, Metso Finland Oy, Åbo Akademi University
Wednesday 2:00 PM
March 2, 2022
Room: 213D
Location: Anaheim Convention Center
2:00 PM Introductory Comments
2:05 PM Cancelled
Analytical and Numerical Study on Martensitic Coatings by Cold-spraying Austenitic Stainless Steel: Cal Vin Wong1; Christian Widener2; Dennis Helfritch3; Victor Champagne3; Jonghyun Lee1; 1Iowa State University; 2VRC Metal Systems; 3ARL Cold Spray Center
The feasibility of forming martensitic coatings by cold-spraying austentic stainless steel powders was investigated. Analytical calculations were conducted using a 1-D gas dynamic model to predict the particle temperature prior to impact which in turn was used as the initial conditions for the following impact simulations. The single particle impact model developed in the previous study was used to predict the stress and temperature evolution in a cold-sprayed stainless particle during an event of impact. Based on the simulations results, the volume fraction of martensite transformed during impact was estimated. The results indicate that the low particle temperature is more important than the impact speed for martensitic transformation.
2:25 PM
Ultrasonics in Levitating Droplets: Catherine Tonry1; Valdis Bojarevics1; Georgi Djambazov1; Andrew Kao1; Koulis Pericleous1; 1University of Greenwich
High frequency electromagnetic coils can be used to induce ultrasound in liquid metals, due to the induced currents interacting with the magnetic fields. With resonant conditions, these acoustic pressures can be so large as to affect the evolving microstructure during solidification. This has been demonstrated in traditional casting techniques; however, this phenomenon has not been explored in levitated droplets of mm scale. At this smaller length scale the resonant frequency is on the order of 100 kHz, which is in the range of frequencies used by the levitating coil. This work investigates the conditions for ultrasound inside levitating droplets, whether it is possible for cavitation to occur, and if this can influence undercooled solidification. Preliminary numerical modelling results suggest typical conditions used for levitating droplets are close to these resonant conditions and therefore small changes to existing experiments could potentially lead to a new scientifically interesting avenue of study.
2:45 PM Cancelled
VOF-based CFD Simulation of a Pilot-scale TSL Furnace: Daniele Obiso1; Markus Reuter2; Andreas Richter3; 1Cic Virtuhcon, Tubaf; 2SMS group GmbH; 3TU Bergakademie Freiberg
The bath dynamics of a Top Submerged Lance furnace are investigated here by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation. The modeling approach is based on the use of Volume of Fluid model with a fine computational grid. This allows the multiphase interactions to be calculated with a high level of detail, revealing the physical mechanisms of bubble formation and bath dynamics. The study is performed on the pilot-scale furnace located at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany. The furnace system is considered at operating conditions, with experimentally measured slag physical properties and real gas flow rates. The model is able to predict bubble frequencies in the range of 2.5-3 Hz, in agreement with real furnace data from the literature. This proves high reliability of the computational model and adds value to the empirical understanding of the process, thanks to the direct observation of the multiphase flow features.
3:05 PM
Finite Element Analysis Modeling of Gravity-driven Multiple Effect Thermal System (G-METS) Distillation for Efficient Low-cost Magnesium Refining
: Armaghan Ehsani Telgerafchi1; Daniel McArthur1; Gabriel Espinosa1; Madison Rutherford1; Adam Powell1; David Dussault2; 1Worcester Polytechnic Institute; 2Elemental Brewing Company
Multiple effect distillation of magnesium has the potential to dramatically reduce the energy consumption and cost of magnesium refining compared to conventional batch distillation procedures. This method can be used for many applications, including primary production and recycling of magnesium, and extraction of rare earth metals from magnets. This study is developing a microscopic model for a novel continuous gravity-driven multiple effect thermal system (G-METS) approach for magnesium distillation. Modeling is presented as a design tool for determining the effect of geometric parameters such as feature size, and operating parameters such as temperatures, on separation performance and energy consumption of distillation. The present work used the COMSOL Finite Element Analysis software to analyze fluid flow and heat and mass transfer in the system. The model includes both liquid and vapor flow, and illustrates the effect of novel design features which promote counter-flow evaporation on volatile element separation.
3:25 PM Break
3:45 PM
Study on the Interface Structure and Element Distribution of Manganese-containing Slag: Xiaobo He1; Lijun Wang1; Kuochih Chou1; 1University of Science and Technology Beijing
The interface (gas-slag-metal) is of great significance to the removal of elements in the metallurgical process. In this work, the interfacial element distribution and structure of MnO-based slag with different compositions were explored using the gas-slag equilibrium experimental method and XPS detection method at the temperature of 1873 K. The result indicates that the proportion of non-bridged oxygen (O-) increased, while that of bridged oxygen (O0) decreased with the etching time increased regardless of different composition. Meantime, as the bacisity decreases, the bridged oxygen increases and the non-bridging oxygen decreases at the interface. Sulfur is enriched at the interface and decreases with the deepening of the etching depth. The gradient changes of the interface structure and elements prove the existence of the boundary layer, which has a guiding significance for the element removal process in the metallurgical process.
4:05 PM
Experimental Phase Diagram Study in CaO-MgO-V2O5 System: Guishang Pei1; Lilian Yang1; Dapeng Zhong1; Junyi Xiang1; Xuewei Lv1; 1Chongqing University
The phase equilibria of the CaO–MgO–V2O5 at 773 K in air was constructed. For this study, numerous samples of various nominal compositions were prepared by a conventional solid state reaction. Two type solid-solutions of CaxMg1-x(VO3)2 (0≤x≤0.4) and CaxMg1-x(VO3)2 (0.4≤x≤1) were detected and verified in MgV2O6–CaV2O6 isopleths. The composition content of Ca2+=0.4 were intended to be the phase boundary of two kinds component-derived solid solutions. Only one stoichiometric compounds CaMgV2O7 was confirmed in the Mg2V2O7–Ca2V2O7 isopleths. In the isopleths of the Mg3V2O8–Ca3V2O8, one was a ternary CaxMg1-x(VO3)2 (0≤x≤0.4)–type solid solutions was detected. New experimental results in this work will serve as reliable input for future thermodynamic reassessments of the CaO-MgO-V2O5 ternary system within the CALPHAD-type framework, and expect to further improve the current V2O5-based multi-phase thermodynamic databases.