Environmental Degradation of Multiple Principal Component Materials: Poster Session
Sponsored by: TMS Structural Materials Division, TMS: Corrosion and Environmental Effects Committee, TMS: Nuclear Materials Committee
Program Organizers: Wenjun Cai, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; ShinYoung Kang, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; XiaoXiang Yu, Novelis Inc.; Vilupanur Ravi, California State Polytechnic University Pomona; Christopher Weinberger, Colorado State University; Elizabeth Opila, University of Virginia; Bai Cui, University of Nebraska Lincoln; Mark Weaver, University of Alabama; Bronislava Gorr, Kit; Srujan Rokkam, Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc.

Monday 5:30 PM
February 28, 2022
Room: Exhibit Hall C
Location: Anaheim Convention Center

B-1: Evaluating the Influences of Microstructural Attributes on the High Temperature Oxidation of a AlCoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy: Michael Pavel1; Mark Weaver1; 1Univ of Alabama Tuscaloosa
    The oxidation behavior of an equiatomic AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy (HEA) has been studied at 1050°C to assess the influence of chemical ordering and ordered phase content on the alloy’s oxidation behavior. Annealing times of 120 and 1000 hours were investigated. TGA studies revealed a 40% decrease in specific mass gain following the 1000 h anneal. The results suggest that this decrease is caused by a reduction in the concentration of vacancies and anti-site defects after annealing, which favors reduced aluminum diffusivity and oxygen penetration, along with increasing alumina growth. The results of these oxidation studies are discussed relative to traditional oxidation theory.