Late News Poster Session: Corrosion
Program Organizers: TMS Administration
Monday 5:30 PM
February 28, 2022
Room: Exhibit Hall C
Location: Anaheim Convention Center
B-4: Corrosion Evaluation of Cold Spray Materials on SS304L Material: Timothy Montoya1; Erin Karasz1; Jason Taylor1; Kenneth Ross2; Rebecca Schaller1; 1Sandia National Laboratories; 2Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Austenitic stainless steels (SS), such as SS304 and SS316, are commonly known for their enhanced corrosion resistance but are susceptible to pitting and localized corrosion when exposed to atmospheric marine environments. Concentrated brines can form on the SS surface and be a potential risk for localized corrosion and stress corrosion cracking (SCC). In this study, cold spray (CS) coatings were tested to assess the corrosion resistance and properties. Three CS material types; Inconel, Super Carbon, and commercially pure Nickel, were deposited onto SS304L base plates using nitrogen and helium process gasses. Two edge morphologies were also studied to understand potential edge effects. All CS samples were analyzed using electrochemical polarization testing (ASTM G5-14-e1) and full immersion FeCl3 exposures (ASTM G48) to determine corrosion properties. Acknowledgments:SNL is managed and operated by NTESS under DOE NNSA contract DE-NA0003525. This document is SAND2021-14057 C and PNNL-SA-168130.