Acta Materialia Symposium: Acta Materialia Award Session
Program Organizers: Carolyn Hansson, University of Waterloo
Tuesday 3:00 PM
March 1, 2022
Room: Ballroom E
Location: Anaheim Convention Center
Session Chair: Carolyn Hansson, University of Waterloo
3:00 PM Introductory Comments
3:10 PM Presentation of Acta Student Awards
3:30 PM Invited
Acta Materialia Gold Medal Lecture: Sustainable Physical Metallurgy: Making Green Steel with Hydrogen: Dierk Raabe1; 1Max-Planck lnstitut fur Eisenforschung
More than 1.8 billion tons of steel are produced every year, making it the most important alloy in terms of volume and impact. While steel is a sustainability enabler, through lightweight car parts, wind farms and magnets, its primary production is not. Iron is reduced from ore using carbon. This produces >2t COit of steel, standing for >30% of the global CO2 emissions in manufacturing. These emissions can be reduced when replacing carbon by hydrogen or its carriers as reductant. The lecture presents some recent progress in understanding the key mechanisms of hydrogen-based direct reduction and hydrogen-based plasma reduction. The kinetics of the reactions strongly depend on mass transport kinetics, nucleation during the multiple phase transformations, the oxide's chemistry and microstructure, and on damage and fracture associated with the phase transformation and mass transport phenomena occurring during reduction. Understanding these effects is key to make hydrogen-based reduction of iron ores commercially viable, enabling massive CO2 reductions.
3:50 PM Invited
Acta Materialia Silver Medal Lecture: Dwell Fatigue and In-service Cracking in Jet Engine Titanium: David Dye1; 1Imperial College
Jet engine titanium is a robust product with exceptional specific fatigue crack initiation resistance in most circumstances. It can be difficult to study because we are concerned with crack initiation at the 1-in-1,000 component level, or 1 in 2,000 tonnes melted, at lifetimes of 20,000 flights – an integrity level similar to that of nuclear primary circuits. Rather than statistical approaches to scatter this has lead us to a hypothesis-based approach where we examine, by modelling (CPFEM / DDP) and experiment (TEM, SAXS, APT and HEDM), the micromechanics of specific microstructural features. Another issue in titanium can be vacuum or subsurface fatigue crack initiation and growth, which is significantly slower than in air – implying a role for environment in cracking, Taking this further, we have recently started to be able to find H in titanium microstructures using cryo atom probe tomography, allowing the investigation of NaCl and AgCl-associated hot salt stress corrosion cracking (HSSCC) in service.
4:10 PM Question and Answer Period
4:20 PM Invited
Acta Materialia Hollomon Award for Materials and Society: Advanced Ceramics for Energy Storage and Green Hydrogen Production: Alexander Michaelis1; 1Fraunhofer Institute of Ceramic Technologies and Systems, IKTS
Advanced ceramics have enormous potential for innovations in the fields of energy storage and environmental technology. We present new results for ceramic based steam electrolysis systems SOE (solid oxide electrolysis). SOE offers two essential unique advantages: 1). 30 % higher efficiency for power to green hydrogen conversion compared to competing technologies (e.g. alkaline and PEM electrolysis) with the use of waste heat. 2). Co-electrolysis capability, i.e. both water steam and CO2 can be simultaneously reduced to form syngas (H2 + CO). With this, CO2 can be actively removed from the environment. The produced syngas can be used for PtX products like e-fuel, higher alcohols, waxes, etc. For this, we present a fully integrated co-electrolysis Fischer Tropsch System.Moreover, the production of green ammonia NH3 by a combination of SOE with the Haber Bosch process is addressed.
4:40 PM Question and Answer Period
4:50 PM Invited
Acta Materialia Mary Fortune Global Diversity Lecture: Engaging a Diverse Student Body through Education, Outreach and Mentorship: Amber Schneeweis Genau1; 1University of Alabama at Birmingham
The research is clear: diverse teams reach better solutions. Increasing participation in STEM is therefore not just a matter of justice or fairness, but also of urgent practical importance if we are to effectively meet the enormous technical challenges of the 21st century. The speaker will describe some of her educational, outreach, and mentoring activities aimed at increasing participation in materials science and engineering by women, African Americans, and other underrepresented groups. Based on the notion that a diverse offering of meaningful and engaging experiences inside and outside the classroom are vital to building and maintaining a diverse student body, she will discuss a faculty-led study abroad course to Germany and how that course led to a new on-campus world history and technology sequence with broad reach. She will also describe a summer outreach program for high school students and her engagement with on-campus student societies.
5:10 PM Question and Answer Period
5:20 PM Brief break for prepare for reception
5:30 PM Wine and Cheese Reception with Posters: Student Award Winners in Acta Materialia Symposium:
Cemile Basgul - Thermal Localization Improves the Interlayer Adhesion and Structural Integrity of 3D Printed PEEK Lumbar Spinal
Alice Cervellon - Crack Initiation Mechanisms of Ni-based Single-crystal Superalloys in the Very High Cycle Fatigue Regime at High Temperature;
Sebastian Kube - Metastability in High Entropy Alloys;
William Meador - A Detailed Mechanical and Microstructural Analysis of the Ovine Tricuspid Valve Leaflets;
Jonathan Priedeman - The Influence of Alloying in Stabilizing a Faceted Grain Boundary Structure;
Shaolou Wei, Cemal Cem Tasan - Deformation Faulting in a Metastable CoCrNiW Complex Concentrated Alloy: A Case of Negative Intrinsic Stacking Fault Energy?