Recent Advances in Printed Electronics and Additive Manufacturing: 2D/3D Functional Materials, Fabrication Processes, and Emerging Applications: Functional Materials and 2D/3D Devices II
Sponsored by: TMS Functional Materials Division, TMS: Thin Films and Interfaces Committee
Program Organizers: Pooran Joshi, Elbit Systems of America; Rahul Panat, Carnegie Mellon University; Yong Lin Kong, Rice University; Tolga Aytug, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Konstantinos Sierros, West Virginia University; Changyong Cao, Michigan State University; Dave Estrada, Boise State University; Nuggehalli Ravindra, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Monday 2:00 PM
February 28, 2022
Room: 303C
Location: Anaheim Convention Center
Session Chair: Rahul Panat, Carnegie Mellon University; Tolga Aytug, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Changyong Cao, Michigan State University
2:00 PM Invited
NOW ON-DEMAND ONLY – 3D Printed Energy Storage Devices: Majid Beidaghi1; 1Auburn University
Advances in developing self-powered devices and miniaturized electronics have increased the demand for on-chip energy storage devices that can deliver high power and energy densities in limited footprint areas. Recently, the fabrication of three-dimensional (3D) energy storage devices has been demonstrated through additive printing processes compatible with various electrode materials and substrates. In this talk, a summary of our previous efforts and the current status of our research on the 3D printing of on-chip energy storage devices will be presented. The results of our recent studies on the formulation of inks based on two-dimensional transition metal carbides (MXenes) and 3D printing of MXene-based micro-batteries and micro-supercapacitors will be presented. The effects of the ink composition and properties and the printing process used in the fabrication of the electrodes on the microstructure of 3D electrodes and their electrochemical performance will be discussed.
2:25 PM
Controlled Embedding of Multidimensional Flexible Sensors Using Direct Ink Writing: Akshay Kakar1; Derrick Banerjee1; Edward Sablosky1; Konstantinos Sierros1; 1West Virginia University
Flexible sensors have become an integrated part of our lives with their applications in wearable devices, biomedical devices, and soft robotics. The devices are typically designed to perform one function by incorporating a single sensor in the matrix limits the reaction to the stimulus. However, there is a high demand for multiple sensors to be used within a small device to gather multidimensional information and understand various environmental conditions rather than an isolated aspect. Therefore, in this study, we explore embedding multiple sensors in the siloxane matrix using direct ink writing. This enables the device to read multiple stimuli simultaneously while protecting the sensors from harsh environments. Various in situ direct ink writing of sensor architectures were evaluated based on the sensor’s consistency of conductivity stability under cyclical mechanical stimuli such as stretching and bending.
2:45 PM Invited
Copper-carbon Nanotube Composite Based Advanced Conductors: Kai Li1; Michael McGuire1; Andrew Lupini1; Fred List1; Burak Ozpineci1; Soydan Ozcan1; Tolga Aytug1; 1Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The power losses associated with the electrical resistance of copper (Cu) have generated considerable interest in the development of advanced conductors that incorporate carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into Cu matrix―ultra-conductive Cu (UCC) composites―to increase energy efficiency in various industrial and residential applications. To meet this demand, we describe an electrospinning-based polymer nanofiber templating strategy to fabricate UCC composites with electrical and mechanical performance exceeding that of Cu. Our approach involves electrospinning of polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP)-based solutions containing CNTs into aligned PVP/CNT nanofibers onto Cu substrates, followed by thermal treatment to achieve a uniformly distributed CNT layer. Following additional Cu deposition, Cu-CNT-Cu composites demonstrated similar electrical conductivity, higher current carrying capacity, and improved mechanical properties compared with those of Cu. We believe that these performance characteristics together with the commercial viability of present approach could open new possibilities in designing advanced conductors for a broad range of electrical systems and industrial applications.
3:10 PM Invited
Screen Printing of Multifunctional Wearable E-Textile from Water-based Silver Conductive Inks: Bin Tian1; Wei Wu1; Changyong Cao2; 1Whuhan University; 2Michigan State University
Flexible wearable electronics have great potential in a variety of applications from daily infotainment and personalized healthcare to military security. Here we report a new multifunctional e-textile fabricated via screen printing of new water-based conductive inks based on silver fractal dendrites. After spraying coating an invisible waterproofing agent, the as-fabricated multifunctional e-textiles exhibit excellent stretchability, electromechanical performance, waterproofness, air permeability, and wear resistance. The conductivity of the e-textiles can be as low as 88.1 mΩ/sq and the strain sensing range can be up to 150% with a maximum gauge factor of 119.4. We finally demonstrate that the new multifunctional e-textiles can be used to detect human motions and serve as an effective wearable thermal management unit. This printed e-textiles may bring new opportunities for wearable electronics and promoting their large-scale applications in many other fields.
3:35 PM Break
3:50 PM Invited
Revealing the Mesostructures of 3D Printed Battery with Synchrotron Coherent X-ray Scattering and Nano-tomography: Dean Yen1; Karol Dyro1; Cheng-Hung Lin1; Mingyuan Ge2; Lutz Wiegart2; Yu-chen Karen Chen-Wiegart3; 1Stony Brook University; 2Brookhaven National Laboratory; 3Stony Brook University / Brookhaven National Laboratory
3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is a promising technique for designing energy storage micro-devices, with benefits including versatile shape and geometry, new architectural design, and the potential to directly integrate power sources into the 3D printed devices. As the mesoscale structure within the printed electrodes directly determine the physical and chemical properties of the printed materials, understanding the dynamics during the printing process and the post-printed battery microstructure is thus of critical importance. In this work, we utilized operando synchrotron coherent X-ray scattering techniques, including X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS), to study the dynamics of mesoscale structural formation throughout the far-from-equilibrium processing pathways. We also utilized synchrotron X-ray nano-tomography to reveal the printed 3D structure. This work investigates the extrusion-based direct ink writing technique, with a goal towards guiding a rational design of the next generation energy storage devices, especially for environmentally friendly systems such as 3D printable aqueous batteries.
4:15 PM Invited
Laser-induced Direct-write of Conductive Graphene Patterns with Tunable Porosity on Polymers: Moataz Abdulhafez1; Golnaz Tomaraei1; Ki-Ho Nam1; Mostafa Bedewy1; 1University of Pittsburgh
High surface area nanocarbons have repeatedly been shown to be promising for electrochemical sensors and supercapacitors. However, direct fabrication of highly conductive carbon electrodes with tunable porosity on flexible substrates is still challenging. In contrast to either traditional microfabrication techniques (which require transfer from rigid to flexible substrates) or printing approaches (which require post processing to improve the conductivity of as-printed nanocarbons from ink), we focus on bottom-up growth of graphene directly on polymer films by laser-induced localized heating. Here, we show the effect of process kinetics on the atomic structure, nanoscale morphology, and electrical conductivity of this laser-induced graphene. We also show that low resistivity of 0.04 cm can be achieved by multiple laser passes at different speeds. Moreover, we demonstrate that porosity can be tailored depending on the combination of laser parameters with the unique ability to achieve both low resistivity and high porosity.
4:40 PM
Coaxial Core-shell Direct Ink Writing of Conductive Elastomeric Fibers: John Burke1; Derrick Banerjee1; Domenic Cipollone1; Chih-Hung Chang2; Han Mei2; Edward Sabolsky1; Konstantinos Sierros1; 1West Virginia University; 2Oregon State University
Direct ink writing of 3D structures has many advantages, specifically in this study is the ability to print multiple materials with tailored functionalities in a controllable and single-step process. It further allows for net shape printing in ambient conditions of a wide range of materials normally incompatible with each other or with other printing systems. In this work, custom-designed coaxial nozzles have been 3D printed using a stereolithography printer. These nozzles were then used to co-extrude conductive ink cores within shells of ambient or UV-cured elastomeric shells. Initially, conductive fibers were printed to study the interfaces, curing, and electro-mechanical properties of the dual ink system. Further, the core-shell fibers were printed into strain gages and incorporated within direct ink written 3D soft robotic pneumatic actuators. Infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, and optical and electron microscopy were performed to further characterize the printed structures.
5:00 PM
Utilizing Direct Ink Writing to Create Applications-specific Flexible and Stretchable Solid-state Lithium Battery Arrays: Nicholas Winch1; Harrison Loh1; Domenic Cipollone1; Savan Suri1; Eda Aysal1; Derrick Banerjee1; Konstantinos Sierros1; 1West Virginia University
We describe a route to make a robust and stretchable array of batteries using the direct ink writing (DIW) additive manufacturing method. All components of the batteries are created using direct ink writing in atmospheric conditions. The individual batteries consist of lithium iron phosphate cathodes, lithium lanthanum zirconium oxide electrolytes, and lithium titanate anodes. The encapsulation is stretchable silicon with silver wiring printed around the components, creating an array of batteries with tailorable voltage and current and a form-factor specific to any given application, including stretchable and flexible surfaces. Novel ink compositions are synthesized and characterized to provide the most facile printing and robust battery. Electrochemical characterization is conducted to ensure longevity and performance characteristics.