Ultrafine-grained and Heterostructured Materials (UFGH XII): Poster Session I
Sponsored by: TMS: Shaping and Forming Committee
Program Organizers: Penghui Cao, University of California, Irvine; Xiaoxu Huang, Chongqing University; Enrique Lavernia, Texas A&M University; Xiaozhou Liao, University of Sydney; Lee Semiatin, MRL Materials Resources LLC; Nobuhiro Tsuji, Kyoto University; Caizhi Zhou, University of South Carolina; Yuntian Zhu, City University of Hong Kong

Monday 5:30 PM
February 28, 2022
Room: Exhibit Hall C
Location: Anaheim Convention Center

H-21: Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation Processes on the Microstructure, Texture and Mechanical Property of Nb-1Zr Alloy: Soumita Mondal1; Surendra Makineni1; Apu Sarkar2; Pradipta Ghosh3; Rajeev Kapoor2; Satyam Suwas1; 1Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; 2Bhabha Atomic Research Center; 3Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
    The present study systematically investigates the effect of severe plastic deformation of Nb-1wt.%Zr alloy by high pressure torsion (HPT) and multi-axial forging (MAF) on the microstructure, texture, and mechanical property evolution. Electron microscopy as well as X-ray line profile analysis (XLPA) using convolutional multiple whole profile (CMWP) fitting was employed to elucidate key differences in the as-deformed microstructures by HPT and MAF. Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging (ECCI) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) imaging techniques were utilized to substantiate the XLPA results. The samples were then annealed to study the recrystallization behavior. Mechanical properties of the as deformed and annealed samples were measured. The deformation behavior observed experimentally was then simulated by Viscoplastic Self Consistent (VPSC) model of polycrystal plasticity to reveal the differences in deformation micro-mechanisms of submicrocrystalline materials produced via a shear-based process (HPT) and a plane-strain based process (MAF).

H-22: Energy Absorption Performance of Functionally Graded High Strength Steel: Adam Tyedmers1; Hatem Zurob1; Bosco Yu1; Moisei Bruhis1; 1McMaster University
    The effect of a carbon gradient on the energy absorption of martensitic 300M sheet steel is studied. Controlled decarburization and thermomechanical processing were used to create six different microstructures, two of these were as-quenched martensitic steels with homogenous compositions 0.4 and 0.1 wt.% C, respectively. A third material was partially decarburized resulting in martensite with a carbon gradient varying from 0.1 and 0.4 wt.% at the surface and core, respectively. This material was processed further to produce three additional microstructures: tempered martensite, ultra-fine-grained ferrite/cementite mixture and ultra-fine-grained dual-phase microstructure. Pseudo-Cotterell tests with digital image correlation were used to evaluate the essential work of fracture and plastic zone sizes, while Charpy tests were performed to measure impact energies. Results show the graded materials absorb at least as much energy as the 0.1 wt.% material, while achieving a higher strength. The reported performance is superior to traditional energy absorption vs. strength correlations.

H-24: Enhancing Mechanical Performance of Commercial Al Alloy by Tailoring Their Microstructural Heterogeneity: Khaled Adam1; Ahmed Mohammed2; Mohammed Aldlemy3; 1Kennesaw State University; 2Collage of Mechanical Engineering Technology; 3Collage of Mechanical Engineering Technology
    Enhancing structure-properties relationships of polycrystalline materials based on their microstructural heterogeneity (tailoring grain size distribution) is gaining much attention lately. Because strength and ductility are the most essential mechanical properties of materials and are controlled by the grain size and spatial distributions. Fine, coarse, and hetero grain structures were developed and tested using DAMASK code. In this work a spectral method, as a viable alternative to the widely used finite element method (FEM), was used to efficiently modeling the micromechanical behavior of heterogeneous materials.