Additive Manufacturing: Nano/Micro-mechanics and Length-scale Phenomena: On-Demand Poster Session
Sponsored by: TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division, TMS: Additive Manufacturing Committee, TMS: Nanomechanical Materials Behavior Committee
Program Organizers: Meysam Haghshenas, University Of Toledo; Robert Lancaster, Swansea University; Andrew Birnbaum, Us Naval Research Laboratory; Jordan Weaver, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Aeriel Murphy-Leonard, Ohio State University

Monday 8:00 AM
March 14, 2022
Room: Additive Technologies
Location: On-Demand Poster Hall

Laser Scan Length: A New Parameter to Tune the Thermal Buildup in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processes: Qingyang Lu1; Xiaogang Wang1; Tan-Phuc Le1; Jude Emil Fronda1; Matteo Seita1; 1Nanyang Technological University
    Different microstructures can be incorporated in a single part by tuning the process parameters during laser powder bed fusion (LPBF). Here, we investigate the effect of the laser scan length on the grain structure and orientation distribution in 316L stainless steel. We vary the scan length from 2 mm to 40 mm and find markedly different microstructures. We ascribe these results to the change in cooling rate the material experiences during LPBF, which we can tailor by introducing a delay at the end of each line scan. Using this strategy, we produce parts with different microstructure and mechanical properties regardless of their geometry or scanning strategy. Our proposed printing strategy enables the spatial control of texture-dependent properties of parts printed with small scan lengths.