Late News Poster Session: On-Demand Poster Session: Mechanics and Structural Reliability
Program Organizers: TMS Administration
Monday 8:00 AM
March 14, 2022
Room: Mechanics & Structural Reliability
Location: On-Demand Poster Hall
Crystal Plasticity Analysis of Temperature-sensitive Dwell Fatigue in Ti-6Al-4V Alloy for an Aero-engine Fan Disk: Liangwei Yin1; Osamu Umezawa1; 1Yokohama National University
Temperature-dependent dwell fatigue behavior in Ti-6Al-4V alloy was investigated using the crystal plasticity finite element method. The dislocation mechanism-based crystal plasticity parameters were calibrated from the data of quasi-static tensile and constant load creep tests at ambient and intermediate temperatures. In particular, the rate-dependent parameters related to slip property were employed to establish the relationship between the strain rate sensitivity of a single crystalline α-titanium and temperature. The variation of strain rate sensitivity with temperature affected the stress redistribution within the hard-soft grain combination, and in turn the dwell sensitivity. Further, the structural analysis for a fan disc provided the stress fields at takeoff and cruise phases to examine the in-service stress redistribution. The highly localized hoop stress and presence of large macrozones, rather than the fair rate sensitivity at working temperatures, were responsible for triggering basal stress enhancement and dwell facet nucleation in the hard macrozone.