Advances in Titanium Technology: On-Demand Poster Session
Sponsored by: TMS Structural Materials Division, TMS: Titanium Committee
Program Organizers: Yufeng Zheng, University of North Texas; Zachary Kloenne, Imperial College London; Fan Sun, Cnrs Ircp 8247 - Chimie Paristech Psl; Stoichko Antonov, National Energy Technology Laboratory; Rongpei Shi, Harbin Institute of Technology
Monday 8:00 AM
March 14, 2022
Room: Materials Design
Location: On-Demand Poster Hall
A Review on Impact Resistance of Partially Filled 3D Printed Titanium Matrix Composite Designed Aircraft Turbine Engine Fan Blade: Daniel Okanigbe1; Shade Van Der Merwe1; 1Tshwane University of Technology
The price competition forces airline operators to save costs. Hence, efforts are made to lower the acquisition costs and the operating costs, and one possibility to lower these operating costs is to reduce the fuel consumption of the aircraft. The use of lighter components to design aircraft components compliments this goal of reduced fuel consumption. Emerging use of 3D printing technology is prevalent in the aerospace amongst other industries to develop components. However, in order to achieve maximum tensile strength of 3D printed aircraft components, the infill is more often than not 100 % filled, thus, implying higher costs (i.e. in terms of time and material) and heavier components, which defeats the goal of maximizing profit in aerospace industry. Howbeit, the demand for a novel scientific idea is prompted; an idea that can impact positively on the overall economics of airline operations. Hence, critical review to determine gap of knowledge under the following sub-heading were conducted: impact tolerance of 3D printed Engineering Components, impact tolerance of 3D printed engineering components from Titanium and its alloys, impact tolerance of 3D printed engineering components from Titanium reinforced with metallurgical waste materials. It was concluded that a gap of knowledge exists in the area of determining the effect of infill density on impact tolerance of 3D printed Titanium components. Therefore it was recommended that future research work should focus on predicting the impact tolerance of a partially filled 3D printed titanium matrix composite for aerospace application.
Effect of Sn on Texture Characteristics and Superelastic Behavior of β-type Ti-30Zr-10Nb-xSn (x = 0, 2, 3, 4) Texture Alloy: Won-Tae Lee; Yeon-Ju Ryu; Shuanglei Li; Jung-Gi Kim; Tae-Hyun Nam; 1
In this work, microstructures, superelasticity, texture characteristics of β-type Ti-30Zr-10Nb-xSn (x=0, 2, 3, 4) (at. %) alloys were investigated. It was found that 2Sn, 3Sn and 4Sn alloys consisted of a single β phase while 0Sn alloy consisted of full α″ martensite. Shape memory effect was observed in 0Sn alloy. The superelasticity with a large recovery strain of 5.2% was observed in 2Sn alloy due to the favorable {001}β<110>β recrystallization texture that largely improved the transformation strain. 3Sn and 4Sn alloys did not show superelasticity at room temperature due to their low transformation temperatures. The effect of test temperature on superelastic behavior was also investigated in 2Sn, 3Sn and 4Sn alloys. It was found that the superelastic behavior is largely dependent on the test temperature and Sn content, which is not only associated with the stress-induced martensitic transformation but also the diffusion of oxygen atoms in nanodomains.
Microstructure, Transformation Behavior and Superlasticity of an Aged Ti-40Ni-12Cu (at. %) Shape Memory Alloy: Jin-hwan Lim1; Ji-hyun Kim1; Jung-gi Kim1; Tae-kyung Lee2; Shuanglei Li1; Tae-hyun Nam1; 1Gyeongsang National University; 2Pusan National University
Aging behavior and mechanical properties of a (Ni,Cu)-rich Ti-40Ni-12Cu shape memory alloy were investigated. Ti(Ni,Cu)2 phase formed during solidification remained after solution treatment at 1123 K and was almost dissolved into matrix after 1373 K solution treatment. Aging at 723 K increased hardness of the 1373 K solution treated specimen, which was ascribed to the formation of C11b-type precipitate that has tetragonality of 1.05 and coherent interface with matrix. Transformation temperatures of aged specimens were dependent on aging time, which were explained by composition, strain field around the precipitates and mean free path between precipitates. Aging at 873 K for 45 h of the 1373 K solution treated specimen induced the precipitation of stable Ti(Ni,Cu)2 phase, thus C11b-type precipitate was considered to be transient metastable precipitate. The specimen aged at 723 K for 2.5 h showed excellent superelasticity, which was ascribed to precipitation hardening due to metastable C11b-type precipitates.
Surface Analysis, Microstructure Characterization, and ISV Modeling of Electron Beam Melted (EBM) Ti-6Al-4V: Jared Darius1; Marcos Lugo1; Daniel Kenney1; 1Liberty University
Ti-6Al-4V (Ti64) samples obtained by electron beam melting (EBM) are studied to analyze as-built and polished surfaces, characterize internal microstructures, and predict the monotonic behavior with an internal state variable model. We investigate the surface roughness, morphology, topography, and chemical and phase composition. We first examine the Ti64 powder morphology pre-sintering to characterize average particle size and unique microstructures. Then the as-built EBM surface is inspected following the standard build procedure but without any machining or mechanical processing of the surface. Note that the ARCAM EBM machine naturally anneals the specimen at about 800°C during the build process. Next some specimens are machined and polished, and the resulting surface is studied in comparison to the as-built surface. The surfaces are characterized using confocal optical microscopy (including laser topography), scanning electron microscopy, electron dispersive spectroscopy (to verify chemical composition), and contact profilometry for standard measures of surface roughness.