Environmental Degradation of Additively Manufactured Alloys: On-Demand Poster Session
Sponsored by: TMS Structural Materials Division, TMS: Corrosion and Environmental Effects Committee, TMS: Additive Manufacturing Committee
Program Organizers: Kinga Unocic, North Carolina State University; Jenifer Locke, Ohio State University; Sebastien Dryepondt, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Xiaoyuan Lou, Purdue University; Elizabeth Trillo, Southwest Research Institute; Andrew Hoffman, Catalyst Science Solutions; Brendy Rincon Troconis, University of Texas at San Antonio

Monday 8:00 AM
March 14, 2022
Room: Corrosion
Location: On-Demand Poster Hall

On the Heating Rate Dependent Oxide Formation and Evolution on Laser-based Directed Energy Additively Deposited IN718: Sangram Mazumder1; Mangesh V. Pantawane1; Narendra B. Dahotre1; 1University of North Texas
    Here, we report the effect of non-isothermal treatment in oxygen containing air using a range of heating rates (10, 50 and 1000 ℃/min) until 1000 ℃ and furnace cooled to room temperature on the formation of oxide products on laser-based directed energy additively deposited superalloy Inconel 718 (IN718). The oxidation behavior was compared to another set of samples heated to 1000 ℃ using same heating rates and were isothermally held at 1000 ℃ for 1h and furnace cooled to room temperature. The oxide products were identified using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Non-isothermally treated samples indicated the presence of NiO in samples heated at 1000 ℃/min and its absence at samples heated at the10 and 50 ℃/min. Also, results indicated absence of Fe oxides on non-isothermally treated samples heated using all three heating rates. However, the isothermally treated sample confirmed presence of NiO on samples only heated using 50 and 1000 ℃/min.