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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium CANCELLED: Processing-Microstructure-Properties in 3D Materials Science
Sponsorship TMS: Advanced Characterization, Testing, and Simulation Committee
Organizer(s) Sukbin Lee, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
Mitra L. Taheri, Johns Hopkins University
Reeju Pokharel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Yoon Suk Choi, Pusan National University
Scope For better materials design and performance, development of processing-microstructure-properties relationships is essential. To serve this purpose, both experiments and simulations have been extensively used to study the evolution of the microstructures of materials, to characterize them, and to link their resultant characteristics to the process parameters and concurrent properties. Because most practical mesoscopic materials have a polycrystalline or multi-phase structure with significant complexity in the spatial arrangement of the microstructural units, many problems related to the properties of materials are three-dimensional in nature. This is especially true for metallic and ceramic structural, since they are subject to various processes (for example, rolling, extrusion, tempering, sintering, additive manufacturing etc.) before commercializing.

One session of this symposium will recognize the contributions of Professor Anthony D. Rollett to the state of the art in the study of microstructural evolution and microstructure-property relationships in 3D, using both experiments and simulations. The scope of his interests include strength of materials, constitutive relations, microstructure, texture, anisotropy, grain growth, recrystallization, formability and stereology. His recent interest focuses on 3D printing of metals, and materials for energy conversion systems. He also has used and helped to develop many relevant techniques including high performance spectral methods in micro-mechanics, dynamic x-ray radiography (DXR), electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD), spectral methods for micromechanical simulation (MASSIF), and high energy diffraction microscopy (HEDM). Note that his recent important research results include definition of process windows in 3D printing through characterization of porosity, 3D comparisons of experiment and simulation for plastic deformation in metals, the appearance of new grains during grain growth, and grain size stabilization. He has over 300 peer-reviewed journal publications with an h-index of over 75.

Since Tony joined the department of materials science and engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, he has been a devoted teacher, not only in the classroom but to everyone he interacts with. He has been generous and patient mentor. He has helped many generations of students and young researchers to achieve academic maturity.

Abstracts Due 05/01/2024
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