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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Composite Materials for Advanced Functionality: Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Materials and Applications
Organizer(s) Brian Wisner, Ohio University
Ioannis N. Mastorakos, Clarkson University
Simona E. Hunyadi Murph, Savannah River National Laboratory
Muralidharan Paramsothy, NanoWorld Innovations (NWI)
Scope Efforts to achieve advanced functionality in composite materials is of increasing importance. These materials are critical to emerging challenges in aerospace, defense, energy, and environmental sectors. Focus is often placed on obtain combinations of properties not present in individual materials and can focus on integrating tailored properties such as high strength-to-weight ratios, thermal resistance, electrical conductivity, absorption characteristics individually or in combination. This symposium is interested in any material system designed to address these or other advanced functionalities including polymer, ceramic, and metal matrix composites. Particular interest is in those materials that are developed with a focus on sustainability and environmental conciseness. Interest is also present for advances in the manufacturing, modelling, and production of such materials in addition to the materials themselves.
Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Planned: Stand-alone book in which only your symposium’s papers would appear
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