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About this Symposium
Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 2D Materials – Preparation, Properties, Modeling & Applications
Sponsorship TMS Functional Materials Division
TMS: Thin Films and Interfaces Committee
Organizer(s) Nuggehalli M. Ravindra, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Madan Dubey, US Army Research Laboratory
Hesam Askari, University of Rochester
Ritesh Sachan, Oklahoma State University
Joshua Young, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Sufian Abedrabbo, Khalifa University
Gerald Ferblantier, University of Strasbourg - IUT LP / ICube Laboratory - CNRS
Chintalapalle V Ramana, University of Texas
Scope Since the discovery of Graphene, interest in basic and applied research in 2D-Materials is on the rise. Challenges and opportunities continue to grow in the areas of process-property-performance correlations in 2D- Materials. Efforts to transfer technology from fundamental R&D to prototyping to manufacturing are being pursued rigorously on a global scale.

Studies on materials such as Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, Hexagonal Boron Nitride, Perovskites, Phosphorene, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDCs), Xenes (Germanene, Silicene, Stanene) are of interest to the Symposium.

This symposium will include, but will not be limited to the following topics:

Scope 1: Methods of Fabrication, Material Properties
- Top-Down Approach – Mechanical Exfoliation, Liquid Phase Exfoliation, Ball-Milling Based Exfoliation
- Bottom-Up Approach – Chemical Vapor Deposition, Wet Chemical Synthesis, Hydro/Solvothermal Synthesis
Material Properties
-Electrical, Electronic, Magnetic, Mechanical, Optical, Structural & Thermal Properties.

Scope 2: Modelling & Simulation
Band-Structure, Transport Properties, Optical Properties, Device Simulation
- Tools & Methods
- Data sets of Properties
- Standards, Methods

Scope 3: Device Fabrication, Properties & Applications
Studies focused on the use of these materials for the fabrication of membranes, 2D-sheets, 2- and 3- Terminal active and passive devices, photodetectors, sensors, transistors, applications in batteries, solar cells, thermoelectrics, topological insulators, energy storage, ultracapacitors, hydrogen storage, valleytronics, CO2 capture are some of the examples of interest to the Symposium.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned: TMS Journal: JOM
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