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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Heterostructured and Gradient Materials (HGM VI): Principle, Processing and Properties
Sponsorship TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Mechanical Behavior of Materials Committee
TMS: Shaping and Forming Committee
Organizer(s) Yuntian Zhu, City University of Hong Kong
Kei Ameyama, Ritsumeikan University
Irene J. Beyerlein, University of California, Santa Barbara
Yuri Estrin, Monash University
Huajian Gao, Tsinghua University
Ke Lu, Liaoning Academy of Materials
Hyoung Seop Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology
Xiaolei Wu, Institute of Mechanics
Scope This is the sixth international symposium that focuses on the principle, Processing and properties of Heterostructured and Gradient Materials (HGMs). These include, but are not limited to, heterostructured lamella materials, gradient materials, layered materials, dual-phase materials, harmonic (core-shell) materials, heterostructured composites, etc. HGMs are characterized by large differences (100%) in mechanical and physical properties among heterostructured zones. The large mechanical incompatibility leads to strong inter-zone interactive coupling. This produces back stresses in the soft zones and forward stresses in the hard ones, which collectively produce hetero-deformation induced (HDI) strengthening. This distribution enhances the yield strength and produces extra strain hardening above conventional dislocation hardening, promoting ductile behavior. This unique deformation behavior is found to produce a superior combination of high strength and high ductility that is not achievable with either nanostructured or coarse-grained homogeneous materials.

HGMs have become a major field of scientific exploration for the materials, mechanics and physics communities in the coming years. The HGM strategy is not only capable of producing structural materials with unprecedented mechanical properties, but is also effective for developing multifunctional materials. Innovative top-down or bottom-up approaches and material architectures, some of which may be bio-inspired, need to be explored and developed to produce HGMs with superior or disruptive properties. Many fundamental issues still need to be studied by experimentation, analytical modelling, and numerical simulations. Particularly, interface engineering and key interface-related phenomena, such as dispersive strain bands, interactions between geometrically necessary dislocations and zone boundaries, as well as the emergence and evolution of internal stresses, need to be addressed. This symposium, and the future biannual symposia to follow, will be a forum for bringing together a diverse group of multidisciplinary researchers to exchange ideas, discuss key issues, and promote industrial technology development for commercial production and applications.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned:

Accelerated Discovery of Heterogeneous Superalloys
Additive Manufacturing of a Heterogeneous Al Alloy
An Atomistic-to-Mesoscale Computational Analysis of the Internal Stress and Its Role in Controlling the Deformation Mechanisms of Gradient Structured Metallic Materials
An Investigation on Synergistic Strengthening Produced by Skin Pass Rolling of Commercially Pure Titanium
Characterization of Heterostructure in Bulk Nanostructured Metals Processed by High-Pressure Torsion
Computational Design of Compositionally and Structurally Modulated Materials for Desired Stress-Strain Responses
Controlling the Formation of Gradient Structures in Pure Cobalt
Customized Surface Heterostructuring
Deformation Behavior and Dislocation Patterning in TC4/Ti Heterogeneous Structures Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering
Design and Evolution of Heterogeneous Microstructure in Low-Carbon Martensitic Steel
Design and Quantification of Gradient Microstructures by Solid Phase Processing
Designing Multifunctional Compositionally Complex Alloy for Sustainability
Designing Scalable Metallic Composites by Leveraging Liquid Phase Separation in Additive Manufacturing
Effect of Surface Roughness on the Mechanical Properties in Gradient Structured Pure Copper
Effects of Aging on the Deformation Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Heavily Cold-Rolled Duplex Stainless Steel
Effects of Strong Interfaces and Intermetallic Layers on Strength Properties of ARB Processed Reactive Metals
Exploring Heterostructured Materials With Synchrotron X-Ray and Neutron
Extreme Processing of Binary NiTi Shape Memory Alloys
Extreme Strengthening of Ausformed M54® Through Ambient Temperature Rolling
Fatigue Behavior of Core–Shell Heterogeneous Grain Structured CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloy
Gradient Structure Guided Optimal Deformation and Stress Partition in Engineering Steels
Harmonic-Structure Material Design: What is Truly Special to Deliver Unique Properties?
Harnessing Plastic Instability for Work Hardening in a Heterostructured Multi-Principal Element Alloy
Heterostructured and Gradient Materials Through Skin-Pass Rolling
Heterostructured Materials Synthesized by Liquid Metal Dealloying
High-Energy Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction to Characterize Gradient Nanocrystalline Structure in High-Pressure Torsion Processed Inconel 718
Improved Cryogenic Mechanical Properties of Heterostructured CrCoNi Multicomponent Alloy
Improving Mechanical Properties Through Heterogeneous Structures Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing
Influence of Gradient Direction on the Mechanical Properties of Gradient Ni
Internal Length Gradient / ILG Material Mechanics – An Update
Investigating the Effect of Spatially Controlled Heat Treatments of a Compositionally Graded Ti-Cr Alloy Produced by Powder Fed Laser Additive Manufacturing
Mechanical and Functional Properties of Ultrathin Heterogeneous Lamellar Metallic Composites
Mechanical Studies of Heterogeneous Nanostructured Inconel 725
Mechanics of Gradient Nanostructured Metals
Mechanism for Both High Strength and High Ductility in Hetero-Structured Materials: Insight From Atomic Simulations
Microstructural Optimization and Mechanical of a Harmonic-Structured Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn β-Metastable Alloy Processed by Powder Metallurgy
Microstructure Evolution and Thermal Properties of Cu-Mo Nanocomposites Processed by HPT
Microstructures and Mechanical Behavior of Additively Manufactured Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys
Origins of High Strength and Dislocation Density in a Gradient Microstructure Revealed by a Simple Function
Plastic Deformation Mechanisms of Rapidly Solidified Al-Si Eutectic
Probing the Evolution of Dislocation Structures in Heterogeneous Lamellar Metals via Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Simulations
Recrystallized Hard Zone and Resultant Tri-Modal Microstructure Produces Superior Mechanical Properties in a Single-Phase Heterostructured High-Entropy Alloy
Solid-State Additive Manufacturing of 3D Heterostructured and Mesostructured Materials
Some Misconceptions on Heterostructured Materials
Steel-Titanium Heterostructured Material Produced by Severe Plastic Deformation
Strain-Dependent Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Ferro- and Antiferromagnetic Composites by Severe Plastic Deformation
Strengthening of Refractory High-Entropy Alloy Over a Broad Temperature Range via the Formation of Heterostructures
Strong and Ductile High-Entropy Alloys With Coherent Nanolamellar Structures
Strong Yet Ductile Titanium Alloy Design by Concentration Modulation
Superior Tensile Properties and Formability Synergy of High-Entropy Alloys Through Inverse-Gradient Structures
Tailoring Mechanical Behavior in Ti/Nb Nanolayered Composites via Thick 3-Dimensional Interfaces
Tuning the Mechanical Behavior of Heterostructured Nanotwinned-Nanocrystalline Ni Films
Twist Proximity Endowed Quantum Phenomena in van der Waals Heterostructures
Ultrahigh Strength and Good Ductility Induced by Heterostructure in TC21 Alloy
Using Hydrogen as a Temporary Alloying Element for Microstructure Control During Thermo-Mechanical Processing

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