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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Metallic Nuclear Fuel Design, Fabrication and Characterization
Sponsorship TMS: Materials Characterization Committee
TMS: Nuclear Materials Committee
Organizer(s) Ericmoore E. Jossou, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Linu Malakkal, Idaho National Laboratory
Nana Ofori-Opoku, McMaster University
Anil Prasad, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Lingfeng He, North Carolina State University
Marat Khafizov, Ohio State University
Scope This symposium will focus on the theme of nuclear fuel design and fabrication. This area has significantly evolved beyond uncertainty, due to advancements in fabrication hardware, computational approaches, and cutting-edge characterization techniques, from electron and X-ray sources at large-scale user facilities and benchtop setups.

Specifically, here we will examine the intricate correlations between structure-property-performance of various fuel forms with special emphasis on metallic fuels, which are a product of both traditional and novel, innovative fabrication techniques. A particular emphasis will be placed on the fundamental insights into physical and chemical phenomena, making possible progress in characterization and computational methodologies across multiple length and time scales.
We welcome contributions on a wide array of topics, which include but are not limited to:
• Atomic-scale and experimental investigation of defects behavior and chemical segregation
• Fuel materials microstructure modeling and analysis
• Emerging methods of fuel fabrication such as field-assisted sintering, additive manufacturing
• Advances in in situ and operando monitoring of nuclear fuel fabrication and characterization
• Machine learning assisted fabrication of advanced nuclear fuels
• Testing and licensing of new nuclear fuel forms

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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