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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Nanostructured Materials in Extreme Environments IV
Organizer(s) Khalid Hattar, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Youxing Chen, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Irene J. Beyerlein, University of California, Santa Barbara
Haiming Wen, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Ashley N. Bucsek, University of Michigan
Yue Fan, University of Michigan
Trevor Clark, Commonwealth Fusion Systems
Jennifer Schuler, Lehigh University
Scope Applications in critical fields like nuclear, aerospace, and defense often require operation in harsh conditions, characterized by extreme temperatures, intense mechanical stress, rapid strain-rate deformation, corrosive atmospheres, and heavy irradiation. These severe conditions present formidable challenges to the materials used. Nanostructured materials have emerged as a promising solution, offering exceptional properties such as high mechanical strength and superior resistance to irradiation. Their enhanced characteristics make them promising candidates for use in these demanding environments. This classification encompasses ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline materials, along with nanocomposites, including nanolaminates, and nanoparticle/nanoprecipitation-strengthened materials. However, these materials face challenges due to a tendency towards coarsening or compound formation, driven by the high density of interfaces within them. Thus, it's crucial to develop methods to stabilize these nanostructures.

This symposium aims to deepen our understanding of how nanostructured metallic, ceramic, and composite materials behave under extreme conditions. We welcome abstracts on a range of topics related to nanostructured materials, although our interest is not limited to these areas.

Materials response in high temperature environment

Materials response under high or ultrahigh mechanical load/pressure

Materials response under high strain-rate deformation

Irradiation-induced microstructure evolution

Evolution of mechanical and physical properties under extreme conditions

Corrosion (and/or erosion) resistant nanomaterials and coatings

Stress corrosion cracking of nanomaterials

In-situ characterization of materials response in harsh environments

Response in simultaneous and coupled multiple extreme environments

Strategies for stabilizing nanostructure in extreme environments

Theory and computational modeling of defect generation and interactions with interfaces under harsh environment

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Planned: TMS Journal: JOM
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