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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Failure, and a Career That is Anything But: An LMD Symposium Honoring J. Wayne Jones
Sponsorship TMS Light Metals Division
TMS: Magnesium Committee
Organizer(s) Victoria M. Miller, University of Florida
Michael J. Caton, US Air Force Research Laboratory
Nikhilesh Chawla, Purdue University
Trevor S. Harding, California Polytechnic State University
Paul E. Krajewski, General Motors Corporation
Tresa M. Pollock, University of California - Santa Barbara
Scope To study materials performance is to push materials to their limits—in creep, in fatigue, and in other demanding environmental conditions. It is to push materials to failure, then to engineer against those failure mechanisms. Over the course of Professor J. Wayne Jones’ career, he advanced the state of the art in the study of failure both for creep and fatigue. In the realm of fatigue, he is one of the pioneers of ultrasonic fatigue testing, demonstrating the existence of a fatigue limit for fcc metals in the ultra-high cycle regime. He has worked on a wide range of materials, from light alloys such as magnesium and aluminum to heavier alloys such as nickel superalloys, to less traditional materials such as metal matrix composites and intermetallics.

Later in his career, Professor Jones partnered with the Detroit automotive industry and Thixomat, studying both creep and fatigue in lightweight magnesium alloys. He also worked with the automotive industry to develop lightweight metal matrix composites with high strength and high stiffness. He sought new probabilistic treatments for microstructurally informed fatigue crack nucleation models which could lead to improved lifing predictions.

This symposium honors the breadth of his career by seeking talks primarily in the areas of creep and fatigue. Talks discussing microstructure-sensitive predictions or novel testing/prediction methodologies are of particular interest.

Throughout his career, Professor Jones had been a devoted teacher, not only in the classroom but to everyone he interacts with. Just as he has helped to develop alloy systems toward maturity, he has helped many generations of students and young researchers to achieve academic maturity. The Light Metals Division is honored to celebrate his career with this symposium.

Abstracts Due 07/19/2021
Proceedings Plan Planned:

Accelerating Understanding of Fatigue of Metals
Automotive Unobtanium: Material Challenges for the Future of Transportation
Capturing the Full Range
Contributions of R. F. Mehl (Carnegie-Mellon University; 1932-76) to Metal Fatigue
Hold Time Low Cycle Fatigue of Ni-base Single-crystal Superalloys
Redefining Liquid Metal Embrittlement: Utilizing Machine Learning to Unravel a Liquid Metal Enigma
Reducing Uncertainty: Reflections on Establishing Life Limits
Strain Localization and Very High Cycle Fatigue
Tear Resistance of AA7075-T6 Sheet at Room Temperature and 200 °C
The Elevated Temperature High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of an Additively Manufactured Al-Ce-Ni-Mn Alloy
Understanding Fatigue Damage of Metallic Materials in 4D: Probing Microstructural Evolution in Real-time
Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) Phenomena – Influence of Microstructure on Crack Growth in the Near-threshold Regime Investigated by Means of Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing

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