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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Corrosion of Advanced Materials: Theory and Practice
Sponsorship TMS: Corrosion and Environmental Effects Committee
Organizer(s) Haozheng Qu, GE Global Research
Bai Cui, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Jie Lian, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Karthikeyan Hariharan, Friedrich Alexander University
Scope This symposium is organized by the Corrosion and Environmental Effects committee of TMS.

The purpose of this symposium is to bring together researchers, practitioners, and professionals from academia, industry, and government to discuss the latest research findings, technological developments, and practical solutions related to the environmental degradation and corrosion of advanced materials in various industrial sectors, such as aerospace, energy, transportation, and construction, and their performance under different environmental conditions. The symposium will focus on the following topics:

1. Corrosion mechanisms and kinetics in advanced materials under different environmental conditions, such as high-temperature, high-pressure, acidic, alkaline, and saline environments.
2. Environmental degradation of advanced materials caused by various factors, including chemical reactions, mechanical stress, and exposure to radiation and pollutants.
3. Advanced techniques for characterizing and monitoring the corrosion and degradation of advanced materials, such as electrochemical methods, microscopy, and spectroscopy,
4. Computational modeling and simulation, including density functional theory, molecular dynamics, kinetic Monte Carlo, CALPHAD, and phase-field methods.
5. Novel materials, coatings, and surface treatments for preventing or mitigating corrosion and environmental degradation of advanced materials, such as corrosion inhibitors, protective coatings, and self-healing materials.

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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