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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Career Transition: How to Navigate the Job Market? Insights from Academia and Industry
Sponsorship ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors
ACerS PCSA-EPC Committee
Organizer(s) Srinivasa Kartik Nemani, Purdue University
Ian Slagle, Georgia Institute of Technology
Scope This symposium is designed to provide students and early career professionals with the knowledge, skills, and connections they need to succeed in their careers. It is in alignment with the new program named IGNITE MSE (International Gathering and Networking for Individuals to Explore Materials Science and Engineering), which has been created through a partnership between PCSA and CGIF to expand professional development resources for individuals pursuing careers in Materials Science and Engineering.

By bringing together experts from both academia and industry, this symposium offers a unique opportunity for participants to gain a comprehensive understanding of the field and the diverse career paths available to them. The symposium will include invited speakers, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities, providing participants with a chance to learn from experienced professionals and connect with their peers.

In addition to the symposium, we will also be introducing a new poster session, open to all. This poster session is focused on the broader impacts of science and is currently accepting submissions from researchers who are dedicated to making science more accessible, inclusive, and beneficial to society. The session welcomes work that explores ethical and social implications of scientific advancements, engages with underrepresented communities, and implements education and outreach initiatives.

By participating in this poster session, researchers will have the opportunity to share their work with a diverse audience and receive feedback from experts in the field. The session encourages all participants to think beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries and promote a more holistic approach to scientific inquiry. Contributions can help make science more relevant, understandable, and engaging to the general public, leading to a positive impact on society and encouraging the next generation of materials scientists.

Invited speakers only

Poster session open to all

Abstracts Due 05/08/2023

E-1: ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors’ Development of ACerS Section Outreach Kit Initiative
E-2: Building Bridges: Engaging the Next Generation through Outreach Programs by the Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation
E-3: Glass, Not Waste: Reduce-Reuse-Recycle
E-4: Insights and Lessons on Running a Student Leadership Program (PCSA)
E-5: Short Lived Glasses as Support for Photochemical Tissue Bonding
E-6: Sinks for Recycling Glass – New Applications that Avoid Landfills
How to Catalyze Your Career with Professional Societies
Navigating Career Choices: Identifying Personality and Professional Traits to Pursue the Right Path
Professional Skills for Global Environments
STEM Outreach in Ceramics and Glass: How to Inspire the Next Generation of Professionals

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