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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Biological Materials Science
Sponsorship TMS Functional Materials Division
TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Biomaterials Committee
Organizer(s) Steven E. Naleway, University of Utah
Jing Du, Southern University of Science and Technology
Rajendra K. Kasinath, DePuy Synthes (Johnson and Johnson)
David Restrepo, University of Texas at San Antonio
Scope The interaction of materials and biological systems is a rapidly growing, interdisciplinary frontier in materials science and engineering with boundless possibilities. Biological materials science involves the application of materials science and engineering principles to the study of biological materials, including the design, synthesis and fabrication of materials systems from biological lessons. The Symposium on Biological Materials Science emphasizes the primacy of biological materials to the development of biomaterials and biomimetic materials. Biological materials comprise the inorganic and organic constituents of biological systems, whereas biomaterials are synthetic materials developed to replace, restore or augment biological materials. The structure and properties of biological materials exhibit a breadth and complexity unmatched in current biomaterials. Biological materials are formed under ambient conditions by living and adaptive biological systems for multifunctional performance. The structure and properties of biological materials are typically hierarchical, inhomogeneous and anisotropic. Therefore, biological materials exhibit complex structure-property relationships which are only beginning to be elucidated. Biomimetic materials (or bioinspired materials) have unique, tailored structure and properties designed based upon the study of structure-property relationships in biological materials. Biomimetic materials most often utilize creative new methods of synthesis/processing and microstructure design in order to achieve the desired functionality.

The symposium will encompass the following themes:
- Biological and natural materials (hard and soft tissues)
- Biomaterials (implants and devices)
- Biomimetic and bioinspired materials
- Bioenabled materials and systems
- Biorelated applications

In addition, two poster sessions are proposed:
- Biological Materials Science Poster Session
- Biological Materials Science Student Poster Contest (Please select "Student Poster" as
your abstract type to be considered for this session.)

Abstracts Due 07/15/2019
Proceedings Plan Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume

Active Metamaterial Skins for Friction Coefficient Control
Arapaima Fish Scale: One of the Toughest Flexible Biological Materials
B-13: 3D Printed Models of the Arrangement of Components in Two-phase Composites
B-14: Biodegradable 3D Fibrous Scaffold with Co-axially Aligned Carbon Nanotubes for Directional Regeneration of Peripheral Nerves
B-15: Electrochemical Evaluation of Ti-13Nb-13Zr-B Alloys for Knee Implants
B-16: Fracture Mechanisms of Epoxy-alumina Composites
B-17: Microsphere Calcium Phosphate Cements to Improve Injectability and 3D-printability of Dental Biomaterials
B-18: Modulation of Neurogenic Differentiation by Reinforcement of Polymeric Scaffolds with Different Carbon Nanofillers
B-19: Structural and Mechanical Characterization of Quasi-indestructible Armillaria ostoyae Rhizomorphs
B-21: Using Microspheres to Understand the Effect of Particle Geometry in Freeze Casting
B-22: Fabrication and Shape Memory Characteristics of Non-toxic Ti-Zr-Nb-Sn Biomaterials
B-23: Mechanical, Physical, and Morphological Characterization of a Composite Made from Luffa Cylindrica and EVA Copolymer
B-24: Quantitative Study of Banana Green Peel Tannins for Preparing a Bioma Terial
B-25: Radiopacifying Bismuth Oxide-based Composite Powder Prepared by High Energy Ball Milling
Biocorrosion and Biocompatibility of Advanced Titanium Alloys
Bioinspired Design of Multi-scale Structures: From the Nano- to the Micro- and Macro-Scales
Bioinspired Design of Next Generation Structural and Thermal Materials
Bioinspired Porous Materials Through Ice and Ultrasound Templating
Bioinspired Routes to Damage Tolerant Materials: Unique Microstructure and Fracture Properties of Enamel in the Mammal-like Grinding Dentition of a the Hadrosaurid Dinosaur
Biomechanical Behaviors of Gingival-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (GMSCs) Treated Arthritis Mice Tibia
Biomimetic Design Principles for Honeycomb Design: A Comparative Study of Honeybee and Wasp Nest Geometry
Bone Growth at Breast Cancer Metastasis Evaluated using an In-vitro Cancer Metastasis Model
Characterization of Soft Actuation Through Ultrasonic Atomization
Characterization of Timbers of Paubrasilia Echinata Lam. from Reforestation and Natural Forest for Violin Bows
Collagen’s Role in the Dermal Armor of the Boxfish
Corrosion Behaviour of Modern Ti-based Biomedical Materials in the Simultaneous Presence of Albumin and Hydrogen Peroxide
Decussation Patterns in Mammalian Teeth Across Bite Force Regimes
Density Control in Wood-templated Epoxy-silicon Carbide Composites
Electrochemical Studies of Titanium Alloys for Dental Implants
Energy Absorbing and Toughening Strategies in Reinforced Tubule Architectures
Fabricating Bioinspired Helical and Bouligand Scaffolds using a Tri-axial Nested Helmholtz Coils-based Freeze-casting Setup
Hooves and Horns – How Do They Avoid Impact Damage?
Impact-resistant Biological Coatings on the Mantis Shrimp Dactyl Club
In-situ AFM Identification of Mechanical Properties of Collagen Fibrils and Extrafibrillar Matrix in Bone
Long-term in vivo Cyclic Loading Upregulates the Effects of Osteoporosis Treatment
Measurement of Moisture-dependent Ion Diffusion Constants in Wood Cell Wall Layers Using Time-lapse Micro X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy
Mechanical Properties of Tough, Mechanochemically Active Hydrogels
Mechanics of Segmented Protection in Nature and in Engineering: A Rich Landscape for Tunability and Performance
Mechanisms of Co-ion Release from Titanium-cobalt Hip Implants Revealed by Atomic Scale Correlative Microscopy
Micro-scratch of Irradiated Compression Molded Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) based Nanocomposites
Microstructure and Nanomechanical Properties of the Ironclad Beetle’s Exoskeleton
Multi-scale Elemental, Structural and Mechanical Characterization of the Influence of Different Medicines on the de novo Mineralization of Zebrafish Caudal Fin
Multiscale Architectures in the Exoskeletal Armor of a Crush Resistant Insect
Novel Architectured Materials for Treating Heart Disease
On the Strength Across the Hair Species and the Evolution of Hair Fracture
Organic Plasma Processing (OPP) for Bio-interfacing Soft-matter Surfaces
Phase Stability and Mechanical Properties of the Metastable Beta Ti Alloys with High Oxygen Content and Various Amount of Several Beta Stabilizing Elements
Processing, Microstructure Characterization and Biological Response of Cold Sprayed Biocomposite Coatings
Quick Setting Dental Pulp Capping Materials Made from Sodium Silicate and Calcium Phosphate Glasses
Rate and Stress-state Dependent Calibration of FlexiForce Sensors for Injury Biomechanics Research
Role of the Inner Architecture of a Naturally-ocurring Interlocking Interface Found in the Diabolical Ironclad Beetle
Seeing is Believing - In-situ SEM Wear Experiments of Animal Teeth
Structural Analysis of Additively Manufactured Prosthetic Sockets using 360 Degree 3D-Digital Image Correlation
Structure-property Relation of Arapaima Gigas Scales as Structural Material
Structure and Behavior of Viper Snake Fangs
Structure and Mechanical Behavior of Regenerated Fish Scales
The Boxfish Carapace, a Simple Architecture to Control Crack Propagation
The Cholla Cactus: a New Model for Torsional Resilience in Biological Materials
The Convergence of Biology and Materials Through Bioinspiration
Toughness Enhancing 1-dimensional Metamaterials in the Webs of the Recluse Spider

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