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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Mechanical Behavior at the Nanoscale VIII
Organizer(s) Niaz Abdolrahim, University of Rochester
Matthew Daly, University of Illinois-Chicago
Douglas D. Stauffer, Bruker Nano Surfaces & Metrology
Changhong Cao, McGill University
Frank W. DelRio, Sandia National Laboratories
Daniel Kiener, University of Leoben
Yu Zou, University of Toronto
Scope The mechanical behavior of materials emerges from the aggregate operation of competing deformation mechanisms that initiate at the nanoscale. Small-scale mechanics investigations therefore provide critical insights into the fundamentals of deformation phenomena and form a basis for scaling theories. Additionally, the reduction of organizational scale often enables the activation of new deformation mechanisms and mechanical behaviors that are not operational in bulk materials. This symposium will focus on the deformation behavior of nanostructured materials. A wide variety of nanostructured materials are considered within this scope, including low-dimensional and 2D materials, multilayers, nanoarchitectured materials and nanolattices, and bulk nanocrystalline aggregates. Studies that examine size effects and scaling laws, new nanoscale deformation phenomena, emerging methods in nanomechanical characterization, and developments in modeling techniques are welcome.

Topics will include:
• Size effects on elastic properties, strength, plasticity, fracture mechanisms, strain-induced phase transformations, adhesion, tribology and fatigue behavior in small-volume and low-dimensional systems, including nanopillars, nanowires, nanoparticles, nanostructured fibers, 2D materials, thin films, interface-rich multilayered materials, and nanolattices

• New nanoscale deformation and failure phenomena in emerging materials and materials systems including concentrated multi-component solutions (e.g. high entropy alloys), complex alloys, sustainable/lean alloys, 2D materials, nanotwinned materials, and nanoarchitectured systems

• Emerging studies in nanomechanics-coupled phenomena including the tailoring of functional properties with size-dependent topologies

• Developments in highly resolved methods (SEM, TEM, synchrotron, neutron, etc.) techniques that push the limits of nanomechanical characterization

• Advancing indentation techniques (high temperatures, low temperatures, humidity controlled, acoustic emission, high strain rates, mapping, machine learning, etc.), in conjunction with “Fracture and deformation across length scales: Celebrating the Legacy of William Gerberich” symposium

• Studies of nanoscale deformation processes using modeling, simulation, and/or AI/big data approaches and coupling of these techniques to meso/microscale methods

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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