Scope |
Additive manufacturing has immense potential for design flexibility and new processing methods for precision, high resolution structures and bulk structures with tailored internal nano/microscale features. This symposium will focus on techniques, feedstock materials, characterization, predictive simulations, application, and upscaling of additive manufacturing with micro- and nanometer-scale resolution. The properties of printed materials and structures, like photonic, catalytic, electrical, magnetic, thermal, and acoustic properties, mechanical behavior, and lifetime/stability of nano and micro additively manufactured materials are also of high interest in this symposium.
The scope includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:
• Advances in existing and upcoming AM processes
• Characterization of processing-microstructure-property relationships
• Upscaling and integration with other processing technologies
• Process monitoring
• Process modelling and simulation
• Microarchitecture-mechanics relationships with an emphasis on nanoscale behavior and size effects
• Multi-material printing, functionally graded, and chemically architected materials
• Functional metamaterials and metamaterial design
• Machine learning and data analysis of the AM processes and materials/structures
• Physio-chemical mechanisms underlying small-scale AM processes
• Application and implementation of micro- and nano-AM
• Investigation of micro- and nano-AM for extreme conditions including high impact, extreme temperatures, radiation, etc. |