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About this Symposium
Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Nano and Micro Additive Manufacturing
Organizer(s) Rebecca A. Gallivan, Dartmouth College
Bosco Hiu Ming Yu, University of Victoria
Ming Chen, Northwstern University
Alain Reiser, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Wendy Gu, Stanford University
Scope Additive manufacturing has immense potential for design flexibility and new processing methods for precision, high resolution structures and bulk structures with tailored internal nano/microscale features. This symposium will focus on techniques, feedstock materials, characterization, predictive simulations, application, and upscaling of additive manufacturing with micro- and nanometer-scale resolution. The properties of printed materials and structures, like photonic, catalytic, electrical, magnetic, thermal, and acoustic properties, mechanical behavior, and lifetime/stability of nano and micro additively manufactured materials are also of high interest in this symposium.

The scope includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:
• Advances in existing and upcoming AM processes
• Characterization of processing-microstructure-property relationships
• Upscaling and integration with other processing technologies
• Process monitoring
• Process modelling and simulation
• Microarchitecture-mechanics relationships with an emphasis on nanoscale behavior and size effects
• Multi-material printing, functionally graded, and chemically architected materials
• Functional metamaterials and metamaterial design
• Machine learning and data analysis of the AM processes and materials/structures
• Physio-chemical mechanisms underlying small-scale AM processes
• Application and implementation of micro- and nano-AM
• Investigation of micro- and nano-AM for extreme conditions including high impact, extreme temperatures, radiation, etc.

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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