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About this Symposium
Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Material Design Approaches and Experiences VI
Organizer(s) Thomas Mann, Haynes Intl.
Michael G. Fahrmann, Haynes International
Akane Suzuki, GE Aerospace Research
Scope This symposium is a continuation of five previous successful symposia held at TMS annual meetings in 2001 (Indianapolis), 2006 (San Antonio), 2012 (Orlando), 2016 (Nashville), and 2020 (San Diego). It serves as a periodic review of the state-of-the-art development on the subject. This symposium will gather materials scientists and engineers who work on alloy development for a wide range of industrial applications and the researchers who develop tools and methodologies for alloy development thus providing a forum to discuss the methodology for design, property optimization, and successful and unsuccessful techniques or examples. Combining these two groups will facilitate a fruitful interaction on the newest techniques being developed and the experiences of alloy developers in their use. This symposium will also help identify some critical areas/needs in new methodologies/tools for the community to focus upon and how they are being validated and corroborated with experimental evidence. The focus of discussion will be the integration of computational materials science in the industrial design using either CALPHAD-based, first-principle-based, or machine learning or Artificial Intelligence-based techniques, and the experimental validation and testing of those results.
Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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