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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Elucidating Microstructural Evolution Under Extreme Environments
Sponsorship TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Nuclear Materials Committee
Organizer(s) Mukesh Bachhav, Idaho National Laboratory
Boopathy Kombaiah, Idaho National Laboratoy
Janelle P. Wharry, University of Illinois
Assel Aitkaliyeva, University of Florida
Miaomiao Jin, Pennsylvania State University
Farida Selim, Arizona State University
Nathan Almirall, GE Aerospace
Scope Extreme environments such as irradiation, high temperature, stress, corrosion, or a combination thereof, are known to produce point defects (interstitials and vacancies) in materials that can evolve into extended defects such as voids, stacking fault tetrahedra, and dislocations. The progression of defects plays a key role in microstructural and microchemical changes such as swelling, precipitation, and grain boundary segregation/depletion, which severely affect the mechanical and physical properties, functionality, and performance lifetime of the material for structural applications.

To meet industry standards, testing of nuclear materials requires innovative solutions and surveillance concepts. Creative experimentation and modeling in needed to resolve technology gap through pre-normative R&D of codes and standards that suits industry.

Impressive progress has recently been made in elucidating the nature and population of defects and the associated microstructural evolution through advanced characterization such as (not limited to) high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (HR-STEM), atom probe tomography (APT), synchrotron X-ray and neutron scattering analysis, positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS), and sophisticated modeling (density functional theory, molecular dynamics, and phase field), as well as artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) tools. But there remains an increasing need to improve advanced data analytics coupled validation approach for understanding fundamentals of defect evolution and its impact on materials properties and performance in extreme environments.
This call also encourages discussion on the latest technological innovations which will connect fundamental evolution to deployment of materials that serve the nuclear industry.

This symposium primarily focuses on the development of new techniques/modeling tools needed to promote discussion on defects in materials, and evolution of material structure in extreme environments. It will bring experts and leaders from academia, national labs and industries. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Role of external stimuli in generation and evolution of defects.
• Advanced techniques for characterizing structure and chemistry of defects.
• Modeling and simulation tools for understanding evolution of defects.
• Machine learning for predicting evolution of defects in simple model alloys to complex multicomponent systems such as high entropy materials.
• Linking fundamentals of microstructural evolution to industrial applications

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned:

2025 Institute of Metals Lecture/Robert Franklin Mehl Award: Answering the Challenge to Rapid Qualification of Core Materials for Advanced Reactor Designs
A Multi-technique Approach to Understand the Materials Under Extreme Environments
A theoretical underpinning of defect free energy in phase field modeling of void evolution in irradiated solids
Accelerating Nuclear Material Discovery: Integrating Machine Learning with In-Situ Ion Irradiation Experiments
Addressing Casting Failure with Defect Analysis of α-Plutonium
Advanced in-situ strain mapping for Zr oxidation by precession-assisted 4D-STEM
Advanced Statistical Techniques for 4D-STEM: Characterizing Defect Populations in Post-irradiation Au and Cr
Al-Mg-Si alloy sheet through cryogenic two-speed rolling processing Simultaneous improvement in strength, ductility and microstructural behavior
An Irradiation Microstructure Challenge Problem for Accelerated Irradiation Effects Qualification
Application of autonomous STEM acquisition for high-throughput 3D characterization of irradiated materials
Cavity and dislocation loop evolution in neutron irradiated 800H alloy
Characterization and Irradiation of YH for Microreactors
Combination of homogeneous void nucleation theory and defect reaction rate theory calculation for understanding the safe analysis zone boundary in self-ion irradiated Fe
Correlative microscopy of creep cavitation in ferritic, martensitic and austenitic steels
Correlative STEM-APT analysis of solute-defect interaction
Deep-Learning Driven Pt Particle Analysis for BWR Corrosion Insights
Defect evolution in nanocrystalline SiC at high irradiation temperature
Determining the safety analysis zones unaffected by the injected interstitial effect for both heavy ion and proton ion irradiation
Development of Techniques to Explore Materials in Coupled Extreme Environments at Tennessee Ion Beam Materials Laboratory
DFT-informed Design of Radiation-Resistant Dilute Ternary Cu Alloys
Effect of irradiation on the microstructure of oxide dispersion strengthened HT-9 alloy
Effect of Mn and Co on radiation-induced segregation in austenitic Fe-Ni-Cr alloys
Effect of Processing-Induced Precipitates on Nanoprecipitation and Radiation-Induced Segregation in Electron Beam Welded PM-HIP Low-Alloy Steel
Effects of Grain Size on Microstructural Evolution of a FeCrAl System After Neutron Irradiation
Embrittlement and hardening of beryllium under irradiation at low temperatures
Emulation of microchemical evolution at high doses in neutron irradiated 800H using dual ion irradiation
Evolution of dislocation structure and defects in additively manufactured 316 stainless steels under ion irradiation – A cluster dynamics study
Evolution of interstitial-type defects in thorium dioxide
Examining Fission Gas Diffusion at Grain Boundaries in Advanced Nuclear Fuels
Fission gas and dopant diffusion in sol-gel synthesized UO2
Frictional ignition of dissimilar metals in high-pressure oxygen
Heterogeneous void formation in irradiated AM 316L and AM316H stainless steels
High-dose evolution of radiation-induced segregation in an austenitic Fe-Ni-Cr alloy
High temperature mechanical and irradiation response of a refractory alloy with a isostructural eutectic microstructure
Hydrogen Transport during Proton Irradiation
Impact of Alpha-Damage and Helium Production on Heat Capacity of Advanced Oxide Fuels
Impact of Grain Boundary Structures on Defect Evolution in Irradiated Polycrystalline Aluminum Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
In-Situ TEM Study of Microstructural Evolution in Proton Irradiated Single Crystal UO2 under High-temperature Annealing
In situ TEM Observation of Complex Irradiation-Driven Interface Amorphization and Amorphization-Driven Grain Reorientation at Immiscible Cu – Ta Interfaces
Influence of Ion Species on Radiation Damage Evolution in Refractory High Entropy Alloys
Influence of pre-deformation on grain boundary oxidation of a model Fe-Cr-Ni alloy in high-temperature hydrogenated water environments
Influence of Temperature and Ion Radiation on Dealloying of Fe-Ni Alloy in Liquid Lead
Interpreting surrogate experiments using computation to accelerate materials qualification for neutron irradiation environments
Investigating radiation induced segregation near nanosized cavities by combining rate theory calculation and atom probe tomography
Investigation of the Mechanisms Behind Irradiation-Induced Grain Subdivision
Irradiation-Induced Microstructure Evolution in Graphite
Irradiation damage in advanced pressure vessel steels
Irradiation damage in compositionally complex carbide ceramics
Irradiation resistance behavior study of MoNbTaVW refractory high entropy alloy using molecular dynamic simulation
Mechanisms of Chloride-Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking in Welded Spent Nuclear Fuel Canister Steel
Mesoscale modeling of dislocation cell structure evolution and radiation-induced segregation in additively manufactured austenitic stainless steel
Mesoscale simulation of performance degradation of electronic devices caused by ionizing radiation
Methods for characterization of voids and bubbles in S/TEM
Microstructural evolution of 800H alloy with cluster dynamics simulations
Microstructural Evolution of Ion Irradiated Commercially Pure Titanium
Microstructural investigation of Grade 92 steel after fast neutron irradiation to 16 - 87 dpa at 380 – 530°C
Modeling the Effects of Porosity and Temperature on Beta-Titanium Alloys
Nb precipitation in Zr alloys under irradiation
On the microstructural evolution under irradiation in reactor pressure vessel steels and its effects on hardening and embrittlement
Oxidation kinetics for UB2 in air atmospheres
Prediction of Neutron-Irradiated Cavity Microstructures via Dual-Ion Irradiation up to 184 dpa in T91 steel
Predictions of precipitate morphologies at dislocations and grain boundaries under irradiation
Real-time Neutron Diffraction to Support Interpretation of DSC Results on Zr-2.5Nb for Reactor Pressure Tubes
Simulation of the buffer-IPyC interface cell from TRISO nuclear fuel with LAMMPS
Slip banding and Frank–Read model in multi-principal element alloys
TEM Characterization of the microstructural changes in Fe-Cr model alloys due to neutron irradiation at intermediate temperatures
The role of dilute phosphorus, copper, and excess vacancies on the formation of solute clusters in low-alloy steels
Thermomechanical Effects on Grain Structure Evolution in Ni-8Cr Alloy Using X-ray Diffraction Contrast Tomography
Unraveling mass transport mechanisms during corrosion and irradiation in iron-based materials at the nanoscale
Using ion irradiation as a surrogate for neutron radiation: credibility, issues, and mitigation
Utilizing multi-modal approaches to study metal solutes and corrosion in molten salt environments
X-ray evaluation of ion irradiation-induced defects in austenitic steels: comparison with an analytical model based on TEM observations

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