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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Ceramic Materials and Processing
Organizer(s) Alexander D. Dupuy, University of Connecticut
Eugene A. Olevsky, San Diego State University
Kathy Lu, University of Alabama Birmingham
Faqin Dong, Southwest University of Science and Technology
Ruigang Wang, Michigan State University
Gregory B. Thompson, University of Alabama
Babak Anasori, Purdue University
Chongze Hu, University of Alabama
Manoj K. Mahapatra, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Bai Cui, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Scope This symposium emphasizes the advances of powder and ceramic/glass materials in the fundamental research, technology development, and industrial applications.

Ceramic materials science covers the science and technology of creating objects from inorganic, non-metallic materials, and includes design, synthesis, and fabrication of ceramics, glasses, advanced concretes, and ceramic-metal composites. Ceramics and ceramic-metal hybrids have a wide range of applications, including ionic conductors, catalysis, energy conversion and storage, superconductors, semiconductor, filtrations, etc.
Topics of this symposium will cover, but are not limited to:
• Silicates, oxides, and non-oxide ceramics and glasses
• Synthesis, characterization, modeling, and simulation of ceramic materials
• Design and control of ceramic microstructure and properties
• Ceramic powders and processing
• Catalyst and catalyst support materials
• Fundamental understanding of ceramic materials and processes.
• Novel methods, techniques, and instruments used to characterize ceramics and glasses.
• High entropy ceramics (and/or entropy stabilized, complex-concentrated, compositionally-complex, multi-principal cation ceramics)
• Bioceramics, electronic, magnetic ceramics, and applications
• Surface treatment and ceramic thin films, membranes, and coatings
• Porous ceramic materials
• Hybrid systems of ceramic, metal, and/or polymer composites
• Ceramics used for extreme environments
• Metallurgical byproducts for ceramic manufacturing
Special sessions focusing on “high entropy ceramics” and “ceramic batteries” will also be held in this symposium.

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Planned: Collected volume in which your symposium’s papers would be included with other symposia
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