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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advanced Characterization of Materials for Nuclear, Radiation, and Extreme Environments IV
Sponsorship TMS: Nuclear Materials Committee
Organizer(s) Caitlin A. Kohnert, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Cody A. Dennett, Commonwealth Fusion Systems
Samuel A. Briggs, Oregon State University
Michael Philip Short, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cheng Sun, Clemson University
Khalid Hattar, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Yuanyuan Zhu, University of Connecticut
Scope In the last decade, a wealth of new analytical methods, in-situ experimental tools, and computer algorithms have emerged to drastically increase the speed and fidelity with which microstructure, and its dynamic evolution, can be characterized. This symposium solicits presentations that apply any of these advanced techniques to the study of materials structure, properties, and performance in radiation and other extreme environments, e.g., nuclear energy and space applications. These technique advancements have occurred in areas including microstructural characterization, thermophysical property measurement, in situ measurements, and small-scale mechanical property testing. There is a specific interest in techniques that directly impact materials research for environments exhibiting high radiation fields, extreme temperatures, and corrosive or chemically reactive environments. In addition to extremes present during routine operations, off-normal events or transients, such as the aggressive thermal oxidation and decomposition of plasma facing components during air ingress accidents, call for rapid material innovations at this defining moment of rehabilitation for nuclear energy systems. The unique data provided by these advanced characterization tools also provide a new bridge to enhance the framing, refining, and validation of predictive models.

Specific topics include, but are not limited to:
* Novel (destructive and non-destructive) techniques for characterization radiation damage
* Non-contact thermal and elastic measurement techniques
* Small scale mechanical property testing (SEM or TEM length scales)
* Advanced diffraction techniques (X-ray, electron, or neutron) coupled to extreme environments
* Direct observation of radiation-induced microstructural transformations in real time
* Methods for monitoring corrosive attack in non-aqueous coolant environments
* Innovative computer algorithms for high-throughput (in-situ) microscopy data analysis
* Studies of synergistic effects of these superimposed extreme environments relating to materials degradation
* Work enabling enhanced coupling of experimental results with predictive modeling and simulation

Abstracts Due 05/08/2023

Accelerated Assessment of Microstructure-Mechanical Property Relationships in Ni Based Superalloys
Accelerated Creep Testing for High-Temperature and Nuclear Applications
Advanced In-situ Strain Mapping for Zr Oxidation by 4D-STEM
Assessing the Ability of Nuclear Fuel Performance Codes to Predict Radially Resolved Properties in Oxide Fuels
Capturing 3D Evolution of Twin Networks in Titanium as a Function of Applied Strain
Effect of Solutes on the Radiation Induced Segregation in Ferritic Alloys at ∑3- grain Boundaries
Effect of Strain Rate on Tensile Properties of C250 Maraging Steel
Enabling Multiscale Materials Characterization with Machine Learning
Four-dimensional Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (4D-STEM) Characterization of Intergranular Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless Steels in Lead-bismuth Eutectic
High-Temperature Irradiation Behavior of Piezoelectric Aluminum Nitride
In Situ SEM Nanomechanics at Cryogenic Temperatures
Interdiffusion Behaviour of UN with Zircaloy-4 via Diffusion Couple Studies
M-1: Novel Method for Fabricating and Analysis of 3D Printed Composite for Radiation Shielding Containing Metalized Halloysite Nanotube
Mapping Elemental Distributions Across Thin Corrosion Films Formed on Nuclear Reactor Core and Structural Materials via Ex-situ And In-situ Atom Probe Tomography
Multimodal Characterization of Materials Corrosion in Molten Salts
Phase Stability of Delta-ZrH Under Ion Irradiation
Probing Nanoscale Properties of Radioactive Material by Advanced Correlative Microscopy
STEM-based Mapping of Nanoscale Point Defects Produced via Temperature, Irradiation, And Corrosion
Structural Stability of REE-PO4 (REE=Sm,Tb) under Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation
Thermodynamic Modeling and Calculation of Phase Formation Processes Under Irradiation Conditions of Uranium-plutonium Nitride Fuel
Transition Metal Carbonitride Materials Exposed to Swift Heavy Ions

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