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TMS 2024 Annual Meeting and Exhibition in Orlando, FL
Symposium Title: Advanced Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage 2024
Sponsorship TMS: Functional Materials Division, TMS: Energy Conversion and Storage Committee
Organizer: Jung Pyung Choi, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
Sponsor: Energy Conversion and Storage Committee (FMD)
Co-Sponsor: High-Temperature Alloys Committee (SMD), Corrosion & Environmental Effects Committee (SMD)
Theme 1: Energy Conversion
i. Prof. Soumendra Basu, Boston University, (Lead)
iii. Prof. Xingbo Liu, West Virginia University,
iv. Prof. Kyle S Brinkman, Clemson Univ.,
v. Dr. Jung Pyung Choi, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
vi. Prof. Prabhakar Singh, Univ. of Connecticut,
vii. Dr. Amit Pandey, Lockheed Martin Space,
Focus area: These focus area topics include, but are not limited to, experiments and modeling of energy conversion systems, including:
• SOFCs and reversible SOFCs/SOECs
• PEM fuel cells
• The durability of the fuel cell and stack materials
• Degradation due to thermo-mechanical-chemical effects
• Effect of microstructure evolution on the properties and efficiency
• Chromium poisoning from interconnections and Balance of Plant
• Advances in characterization and modeling techniques for energy generation systems include AI, big data, and Deep Learning.
Theme 2: Energy Storage
i. Prof. Partha P. Mukherjee, Purdue University, (Lead)
ii. Prof. Eric Detsi, University of Pennsylvania,
iii. Prof. George Nelson, University of Alabama in Huntsville,
iv. Prof. Leela Arava, Wayne State University,
v. Prof. Leon Shaw, Illinois Institute of Technology,
Focus area:
• Batteries
• Physicochemical Interaction in intercalation, conversion, and metal batteries, e.g., lithium-ion, solid-state, Na-ion, Li-S, Li-air
• Electrode microstructure - property - performance interplay
• Mesoscale modeling and characterization (e.g., X-ray tomography)
• Degradation (e.g., mechanical, chemical, electrodeposition) and safety characteristics in electrodes
• Computer simulation/modeling includes AI, big data, and deep learning.
Theme 3: Materials Design for Sustainability and Energy Harvesting
i. Prof. Surojit Gupta, University of North Dakota, (Lead)
ii. Prof. Matt Cavalli, Western Michigan University,
iii. Prof. Sankha Banerjee, California State University,
iv. Prof. Manoj Kumar Mahapatra, University of Alabama,
v. Prof. Lan Li, Boise State University,
vi. Dr. Luca Masi, Ansys Granta,
Focus area: This symposium component will focus on a variety of green and sustainable technologies for energy harvesting, additive manufacturing, green tribology, next-generation products and processes, and development of advanced instrumentation and control systems, etc.
Proposed Session Topics
• Solar Energy
• Wind Energy
• supercapacitor
• Additive manufacturing, 3D printing, and sustainability
• Green Tribology
• Life cycle analysis of materials and products
• Computer simulation/modeling includes AI, big data, and deep learning.
Theme 4- Functional Materials, including coating, Ceramics, and Alloys
i. Dr. Jung Pyung Choi, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, (Lead)
ii. Dr. Paul Ohodnicki, University of Pittsburgh,
iii. Prof. Soumendra Basu, Boston University,
iv. Prof. Patrick Shamberger, Texas A&M University,
Focus area:
• Functional Oxides, Nitrides, and Carbides
• Ceramics and Dielectrics
• Sensors
• Thermal Energy Harvesting, Conversion, storage, and Management Devices
• Functional Coatings for Harsh Environments
• Nanotechnology and Multifunctional Materials
• Membrane Separation Materials, Processes, and Systems (H2, O2, CO2)
• Water Splitting and Other Catalyst Applications
• In-Situ Spectroscopy and Advanced Characterization of Functional Materials
• Harsh Environment Electromagnetic Materials
• Computer simulation/modeling includes AI, big data, and deep learning.
This symposium intends to provide a forum for researchers from national laboratories, universities, and industry to discuss the current understanding of materials science issues in advanced materials for energy conversion and storage, including high-temperature processes, and to discuss accelerating the development and acceptance of innovative materials, and test techniques for clean energy technology. |