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About this Symposium
Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Powder Materials for Energy Applications
Sponsorship TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
TMS: Powder Materials Committee
Organizer(s) Kathy Lu, University of Alabama Birmingham
Eugene A. Olevsky, San Diego State University
Hang Yu, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Ruigang Wang, Michigan State University
Isabella J. Van Rooyen, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Scope In the complex web of energy resource, production, storage, use, and efficiency, materials play a critical role as diverse and far-reaching as energy itself. Powder materials are part of the fundamental science and technology underlying the production of energy, including both conventional and renewable energy sources. Increasing demand for energy and the public’s desire to enhance environmental quality all point to the need for better and newer powder materials.

This symposium will cover powder material issues related to energy. It will consider all aspects of powder material processing and property studies with energy applications as the main objective. It includes powder synthesis, forming (including additive manufacturing), sintering, and property evaluation. Powder materials that can deliver outstanding harsh environment properties are especially of high interest. The symposium covers advances in theory, modeling, and computation while in parallel developing cutting-edge experimental techniques and approaches to understand and characterize powder materials in demanding conditions. Both theory and modeling and experimental efforts in powder materials synthesis, processing, characterization, and performance evaluation will be covered.

Abstracts Due 07/20/2020
Proceedings Plan Planned:

Conformal Coating of Powders by Physical Vapor Deposition
Development of Gas Atomization Processes for Production of Passivated Calcium Powders
Electric Current Effects in Spark Plasma Sintering: Heating Pathway Analysis
Electrochemical Deposition Synthesis of CeO2 Nanoarrays
High Temperature Corrosion and Irradiation Behavior of Silicon Carbide and Nanostructured Ferritic Alloy Composites
Introductory Comments: Powder Materials for Energy Applications
Mechanical Activation Enhanced Solid-state Synthesis of NaCrO2 Cathode Material for Na-ion Batteries
Oxidation Behaviors of Matrix-grade Graphite in Water Vapor Ingress Accidents for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors
Powder Characteristics of Perovskite Anodes on the Electrochemical Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell: A Perspective
Powder to Energy Application
Simulation of C-SiOC Coatings on Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Microspheres in a Fluidized Bed Coater Based on Multiphase Flow with Interface Exchange
Structural Evolution and Electrical Conductivity of Ti3C2-SiOC Systems
Synthesis of Chicken Feather Fiber Bio-waste Derived Sustainable Nitrogen Doped-carbon Material
Utilizing Solid-state Grain Alignment to Bias Abnormal Grain Growth in Strategically Designed Alnico Alloys
Wear Resistant Powder Materials for Energy Applications

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