High strength, low density, and excellent corrosion resistance are the principal assets that make titanium alloys appealing for a variety of applications. For instance, high strength with low density for aircraft components, high strength with low density and creep resistance up to 550°C for aero-engines, high toughness and biocompatibility with corrosion resistance for bio-medical devices and components in chemical processing applications. These applications, as we know, necessitate a comprehensive fundamental understanding of structure-property-processing relationships at every level including design of the alloy, strategies for processing and post processing methodologies at the component level.
This symposium aims to serve as an international forum for scientists, engineers, and technologists from industry, academia, and research laboratories to exchange ideas and share the latest progress on the state-of-the-art in processing-microstructure-property co-relation within titanium and titanium-based alloys. The symposium covers all aspects of physical and mechanical metallurgy of titanium and titanium alloys including novel processing techniques, recent product development, new alloy design approaches, microstructure exploration, and performance evaluation. The topics of choice include, but are not limited to:
· Titanium and titanium alloys, including near alpha alloys, alpha+beta alloys, metastable beta alloys, Titanium based intermetallic alloys and titanium matrix composites.
· Processing of titanium and titanium alloys using advanced techniques including additive and convergent manufacturing.
· Phase transformations and hierarchical microstructural evolution in titanium alloys.
· Static and dynamic mechanical behavior and performance of titanium and titanium alloys especially in the application space for life-limiting components and critical fielded parts.
· Deformation mechanisms within Titanium based alloys at various temperatures and loading conditions.