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About this Symposium
Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Phase Transformations and Microstructural Evolution
Organizer(s) Sriswaroop Dasari, University of Texas at El Paso
Michael Haines, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Adriana Eres-Castellanos, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Abhishek Sharma, University of North Texas
Hui-Chia Yu, Michigan State University
Ashley E. Paz y Puente, University of Cincinnati
Sophie Primig, University of New South Wales
Scope Phase transformations play a critical role in the structure, processing, properties, and performance of materials. This symposium is a continuation of a series of annual TMS symposia focusing on phase transformations and microstructural evolution during materials processing or under service conditions. The goal of this symposium is to assess the status of phase transformation theories and discuss innovations and new insights from experiments, theory, and computational modeling.

The topics of choice for this year include but are not limited to:

1. Phase transformations and microstructure evolution in structural and/or functional materials.
2. Solidification and subsequent solid-state phase transformations in advanced manufacturing processes.
3. Microstructural evolution under far-from-equilibrium processing conditions or complex thermomechanical history.
4. Advanced defect engineering techniques assisted by phase transformations.
5. Engineering metastability for improved properties.
6. The application of data science, simulation tools, and advanced characterization techniques (in-situ and ex-situ) in understanding and discovery of transformation pathways.

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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