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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Sintering and Related Powder Processing Science and Technologies
Sponsorship TMS: Powder Materials Committee
Organizer(s) Charles Maniere, CNRS - Laboratoire Crismat
Eugene A. Olevsky, San Diego State University
Ricardo Castro, University of California, Davis
Elisa Torresani, San Diego State University
Diletta Giuntini, Eindhoven University of Technology
Wolfgang Rheinheimer, University of Stuttgart
Scope The development of new sintering techniques, such as field assisted sintering, spark plasma sintering, flash sintering, laser flash sintering, and cold sintering, has led to material consolidation at significantly lower temperatures and shorter times. Microstructure formation and corresponding structure-property relations of materials consolidated using these new techniques need to be determined for the optimum performance of materials. Tailoring the materials’ sintering behavior, microstructure, grain boundary structure, local defect distribution, space charges, anisotropy of transport processes at interfaces, and texture enables new applications in various fields of structural and functional materials.

This symposium covers the fundamental understanding of sintering and grain growth in functional materials as well as their application to current technological challenges. Special emphasis is on new sintering techniques that go beyond traditional thermal processing and the active mechanisms enabling these new techniques. Accordingly, this symposium welcomes talks on basic science topics and modelling/simulation approaches. We also encourage talks on challenges in practical applications of sintering science, e.g., sintering and co-firing of multi-material laminate structures for use in solid state batteries. A major goal of this symposium is to promote the transfer knowledge between modelling, basic science, processing science and applications.

Potential session topics are:

Current problems of sintering science
- Sintering problems in solid state batteries
- Selective laser sintering for additive manufacturing, sintering behavior of 3D printed parts.
- Laser flash sintering
- Cold sintering and hydrothermal processing
- Constrained sintering of multilayered materials
- Nano-powders sintering

Field-assisted powder consolidation techniques
- Spark plasma sintering: science and application
- Flash sintering
- Impact of electric fields on interfacial thermodynamics, segregation and transport
- Basic science of electric field effects on sintering and grain growth

Basic science of sintering: transport, thermodynamics and modelling
- Grain boundary and interface energy effects on sintering and grain growth
- Effects of complexions in densification and grain growth
- Liquid phase sintering and transient liquid phase sintering
- In situ measurements of sintering and grain growth
- Grain growth control approaches
- Modelling and simulation of microstructural evolution

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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