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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium REWAS 2022: Recovering the Unrecoverable
Sponsorship TMS Extraction and Processing Division
TMS: Recycling and Environmental Technologies Committee
TMS: Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy Committee
Organizer(s) Mertol Gokelma, Izmir Institute of Technology
Elsa Olivetti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Camille Fleuriault, Eramet Norway
John A. Howarter, Purdue University
Takanari Ouchi, University of Tokyo
Gisele Azimi, University of Toronto
Kerstin M. Forsberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Hong Peng, University of Queensland
Kaka Ma, Colorado State University
Scope With the diversification of engineered materials and depletion of high grade ores come complexification of recovery processes. This symposium, co-organized with the Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy Commitee, continues a key symposium track in the REWAS conference series. It covers advances in recycling technologies for the valorization of complex man-made materials/ products, as well as recent developments in clean technologies for extraction and recovery of metals from challenging secondary and byproduct sources. In particular, this symposium will cover physical and chemical (metallurgical) processes for:

- Energy capture and storage components (batteries, solar, wind turbines..) 
- Electronic waste and complex scrap (rare earth magnets, PCB, multi-stream shredded residues, cables) 
- Industrial by-products and processing residues (fly ash and process dust, low grade slags, muds and sludge) 

Abstracts Due 07/19/2021
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A Green Process to Acquire a High Purity Rare Earth Elements Leach Liquor from Nd-Fe-B Magnets by Caustic Digestion and Roasting Processes
Adaptability of the ISASMELT™ Technology for the Sustainable Treatment of Wastes
An Innovative Separation Process for Spent Lithium-ion Battery Using Three-stage Electrodialysis
BlueMetals Technology – Experience from Commissioning E-Scrap Recycling Plants
Characterisation of Hyperaccumulators for Lithium Recovery from Ancient Mine Soils
Characterization and Thermal Treatment of Eggshell and Olive Stones for Heavy Metals Removal in Mining Environmental Liabilities Sites
Characterization and Thermal Treatment of Electric Arc Furnace Dusts Generated during Steel Production in Peruvian Industries
Deoxidation of Titanium Using Cerium Metal and Its Oxyhalide Formation
Development of Technology for Recycling Large-capacity Lithium-ion Batteries for EV,ESS
Efficient Steel Mill Dust Recycling – Aiming For Zero Waste
Estimation of the Generation and Value Recovery from E-waste Printed Circuit Boards: Bangladesh Case Study
Extraction of Nickel from Recycled Lithium-ion Batteries
Investigation of Hydrometallurgical Recycling Parameters of WC-Co Cutting Tool Scraps
Leaching of Rare Earth Elements from Phosphogypsum Using Mineral Acids
Maximizing the Efficiency of By-product Treatment by Multi Metal Recovery and Slag Valorization
Physicochemistry of Lithium-ion Battery Recycling Processes
Pre-study of the Dissolution Behavior of Silicon Kerf Residue in Steel
Recent Trend on the Studies of Recycling Technologies of Rare Earth Metals
Recovery of Copper, Iron and Alumina from Metallurgical Waste by Use of Hydrogen
Recovery of Precious Metal Silver from Scrap Computer Keyboards
Recovery of Terbium, Europium, and Yttrium from Waste Fluorescent Lamp Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction
Recycling of Electronic Wastes, Waste Batteries and Rare Metal Wastes in China
Recycling of Tungsten by Molten Salt Processes
Recycling Technologies Developed at KIGAM
Setting New Standards for Circular Economy in the Cement Industry
Shifting the Burden of Selectivity from Chemical to Physical Separation Processes via Selective Sulfidation
Utilization of Copper Nickel Sulfide Mine Tailings for CO2 Sequestration and Enhanced Nickel Sulfidization
Yellow Phosphorus Production from Phosphoric Acid by Carbothermic Reduction

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