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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advancements in Grain Boundary Research: Modeling, Characterization, Processing, and Applications
Organizer(s) Wenwu Xu, San Diego State University
Jian Luo, University of California, San Diego
Kaka Ma, Colorado State University
Sara Adibi, San Diego State University
Santosh KC, San Diego State University
Scope Grain boundaries (GBs) critically shape the behavior of polycrystalline materials, influencing mechanical strength, electrical conductivity, and chemical reactivity. This symposium brings together experts to discuss modeling, characterization, and processing breakthroughs, from computational predictions, advanced computing frameworks, and AI-driven GB analysis to real-time imaging of GB phase transitions. Emphasis will be placed on emerging materials such as (but not limited to) high-entropy alloys, oxide semiconductors with tunable interfaces, 2D layered structures featuring catalytic activity, quantum materials where boundary design unlocks topological or superconducting phenomena, and energy storage and electronics, and so on. Processing approaches for tailoring GB networks, advanced microscopy techniques for capturing GB dynamics, and investigations into segregation and structural transitions will be highlighted. Additionally, we will discuss how high-performance computing (HPC) and advanced data analytics can capture transient GB phenomena and bridge length scales from atomic configurations to microstructural behavior, enabling deeper insights and guiding targeted materials design. By uniting diverse perspectives, this event promotes dialogue on designing, controlling, and exploiting GBs to achieve new functionalities. Through interactive sessions and case studies, participants will help chart the future of grain boundary research, driving new paradigms in materials discovery, advanced manufacturing, and device integration.
Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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