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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Mechanical Response of Materials Investigated through Novel In-situ Experiments and Modeling
Sponsorship TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Thin Films and Interfaces Committee
TMS: Advanced Characterization, Testing, and Simulation Committee
Organizer(s) Saurabh Puri, Microstructure Engineering
Amit Pandey, Lockheed Martin Space
Dhriti Bhattacharyya, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization
Dongchan Jang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Jagannathan Rajagopalan, Arizona State University
Josh Kacher, Georgia Institute of Technology
Minh-Son Pham, Imperial College London
Robert Wheeler, Microtesting Solutions LLC
Shailendra P. Joshi, University of Houston
Scope The focus of this symposium is to discuss current research and key developments in theory, computational and experimental methods to study and predict the mechanical properties of materials in application-orientated environments. These environments may include, but are not limited to high temperature, cryogenic temperature, electrical and magnetic field, gas, radiation, chemical, pressure extremes, and humidity. In-situ mechanical testing using SEM, TEM, AFM, Raman, synchrotron, X-ray, IR, and FTIR observation techniques during testing are becoming increasingly popular for studying mechanical behavior of materials. Many such techniques have been developed to probe material response to stimuli across nano- to macro-length scales. At the same time, significant progress has been made in the development of high fidelity models to analyze the behavior of materials at different spatial and temporal scales. The intent of the symposium is to provide a forum for researchers from national laboratories, academia, and industry to discuss research progress in the area of in operando and/or in-situ mechanical testing at small length scales, advances in computational approaches and most importantly, integration of experiments and modeling to accelerate the development and acceptance of innovative materials and testing techniques.

Topics include:
• Development of instruments and experimental methodology for in-situ techniques and/or testing at non-ambient temperatures and/or environments.
• Imaging, analytical and modeling techniques to correlate microstructure, defects, crystal orientation, and strain field with mechanical properties.
• Microstructural observations using in-situ techniques across length scales.
• Experimental characterization and multiscale modeling of deformation of high-temperature materials, high-strength materials, thin films, 1D, 2D, and other low-dimension nanostructures, and interfaces.
• Uncertainty quantification and quantitative validation of computational models.

We are planning to have a joint session with the symposium entitled, Advanced Real Time Imaging. Respective papers will be selected to include in the joint session.

Abstracts Due 07/20/2020
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A Quantitative Assessment of Stress/Strain Partitioning in a Dual-phase Titanium Alloy
Advanced In-situ Electrochemical Nanoindentation Testing for Understanding Hydrogen-materials Interactions
Analysis of Deformation Mechanisms in Advanced FeCrAl Alloy via SEM-EBSD In-situ Testing
Complementary In-situ Methods for Crack Evaluation within High-temperature Materials at Ambient Conditions
Constitutive Model Materials Parameter Determination Using Cyclic Tension-compression Test Data
Creation of Strength Diagrams of Aluminum Flat Products, Dependent on the Different Thermomechanical Processes
Decoupling the Effect of Nanoscale Geometry and Internal Microstructure on the Mechanics of Nanoporous Pt
Deformation Tests of Al Thin Films Using In-situ TEM and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Dislocation Density Inference from XRD Simulations of In-situ Microstructure Evolution Using Discrete Dislocation Dynamics
Dislocation Pileup Induced Transmission across Grain Boundaries in Aluminum via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Dislocation Structure in FeCrAl Alloys through Advanced In-situ Microscopy Experiments
Effects of Phase Purity and Pore-reinforcement on the Mechanical Behavior of Metal–organic Frameworks
Experimental Measurements of Anisotropic Mechanical Behavior of 𝛽-HMX Crystals
Giant Superelasticity in SrNi2P2 Micropillars via Lattice Collapse and Expansion
Impact of Precipitate Size, Orientation, and Temperature on Strain Hardening Behavior in Al-Cu Alloys
In-situ Analysis of Powder Bed Quality during Selective Laser Melting
In-situ Characterization of Material under Extreme Thermal Cycling Using High-speed Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
In-situ Characterization of the Damage Initiation and Evolution in Sustainable Cellulose-based Cottonid
In-situ Experimental Evaluation of Residual Stresses in Composites during Autoclave Manufacturing
In-situ Investigation of Intergranular Crack Initiation in Hydrogen Embrittled Inconel 725
In-situ Micro-tensile Testing of Proton-irradiated HT-9 Steels
In-situ Nanomechanics of Ni-based Superalloys and Bond Coating at Room Temperature to 1000C
In-situ TEM Investigation of the Electroplasticity Phenomenon in Ti-6Al
In-situ X-Ray Diffraction Investigation of High-strain Rate, High-temperature Deformation in Microalloyed Steel
Low Temperature Failure Mechanism of [001] Niobium Micropillars under Uniaxial Tension
Mechanical Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of a Cu-0.7Cr-0.1Zr Alloy at Cryogenic Temperature: An In-situ Synchrotron X-ray Evaluation
MEMS-based In-situ Tensile Experiments Designed to Arrest Catastrophic Failure in Brittle Nanomaterials
Metal Foams: Linking Dynamic CT Results to Simulation and Modeling
Microscale Insight into the Effect of Twinning on Fracture in a Manganese Steel
Microstructural Anisotropy and Its Influence on the Internal Stress Field within Grains: Experimental Confrontation with Full Field Crystal Plasticity Models
Microstructural Influences on Grain Boundary Sliding in High Purity Aluminum
Multiphysics Modeling of Coupled Chemical-Thermal-mechanical Phenomena in Chemically Blown Polyurethane Foams during Manufacturing
Non-destructive Inspection of Contaminated Epoxy Plates Using Propagating Acoustic Waves
Non-linear Reversible Behaviour of Metallic Alloys at Low Stresses
Observation of Microstructure Evolution in Pure Copper and Copper-8 wt. % Aluminium Alloy during Deformation
Quantifying Electron Beam Effects during In-situ TEM Nanomechanical Tensile Testing on Aluminum Thin Films
Quantifying the Long-range Stress ahead of the Tip of a Dislocation Pileup at a Grain Boundary and Its Contribution to the Subsequent Structure Changes in Ti-alloys from the Atomistic to the Mesoscale
Rhodium and Cobalt Oxidation: A Nanoscale Study by In-situ and in Operando Atom Probe Tomography
Ripplocations: A Novel Deformation Mechanism in Layered Crystalline Solids
Size Effects in Barium Titanate
Size Effect, Friction and Adhesion in Small-scale Cutting of Metals
Sub-surface Microtensile Testing in Oxidized Equiatomic Alloy NbTiCr
Surface Erosion of Spacecraft by High-velocity Regolith Impacts to Simulate Wind Storms on Martian Surfaces
Synchrotron X-ray Studies of Deformation and Failure in Cold Spray Composites
The Effect of Material Volume on Impact Energy Absorption for Protective Equipment Applications

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