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About this Symposium
Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Materials Aging and Compatibility: Experimental and Computational Approaches to Enable Lifetime Predictions
Sponsorship TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Mechanical Behavior of Materials Committee
TMS: Corrosion and Environmental Effects Committee
Organizer(s) Bishnu P. Khanal, Sandia National Laboratories
Michael A. Melia, Sandia National Laboratories
Coby L. Davis, Sandia National Laboratories
Kerri JM Blobaum, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Anthony Van Buuren, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Nan Butler, Sandia National Laboratories
Scope The interplay between a material’s fundamental aging behavior and its compatibility within a system can have significant impact on highly complex and expensive technologies found in fields such as: aerospace, satellite and space exploration, nuclear weapon programs, etc. However, the understanding of a material’s behavior over its entire service life and that material’s compatibility within its system during that time is limited and difficult to predict. Emerging advanced manufacturing industries add to the aging and compatibility knowledge gaps by introducing completely new materials or fabricating legacy materials with techniques that allow for new design capabilities causing them to age differently than their wrought counterpart (additively manufactured (AM) metals vs. wrought counterparts). Therefore, it is highly desirable to explore and discuss materials aging and compatibility by establishing their scientific basis and developing modeling/predictive tools. This symposium provides an excellent platform for scientists, researchers, and engineers to present and discuss recent research advances on experimental and computational modeling on fundamental materials behaviors and their compatibility under real and accelerated environments.

Topics of interest for abstract submission include (but not limited to):
1.Scientifically informed accelerated aging methodologies.
2.Experimental, computational, and analytical evaluation of materials degradation during accelerated aging environments with individual or some combination of stressors such as mechanical, corrosive, thermal, etc.
3.Compatibility studies for materials joining: brazing, welding and soldering.
4.Long life system compatibility of two or more different materials.
5.Discussion of simulated and experimental data similitude as a method to predict lifetimes.
6.Machine learning approaches to predict material/component lifetime.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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