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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Materials Under Extreme Environment
Sponsorship ACerS Engineering Ceramics Division
TMS: Mechanical Behavior of Materials Committee
TMS: Computational Materials Science and Engineering Committee
Organizer(s) Robert Slapikas, DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
Anindya Ghoshal, DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
Douglas E. Wolfe, Pennsylvania State University
Scope Materials that are able to survive severe aerodynamic and aerothermal conditions, such as strong thermomechanical stresses and deformation at temperatures above 2000 C, are necessary for hypervelocity regimes ranging from Mach 1 to Mach 40. These materials need to be phase stable, have high strength, and be resistant to oxidation, creep, fatigue, and thermal and cyclic shock. Materials including composites, ceramics, ceramic matrix composites, refractory high entropy alloys and oxides offer promise in fulfilling these requirements, despite their narrow application field. When in-situ observations are not feasible, simulations can fill in the gaps left by experiments and assist in the analysis of experimental data. Combining simulations and experimental testing at various length scales, temperatures, and strain rates is essential for progressing existing materials and creating new composites and functional materials for these extreme kinetic environments. The purpose of this conference symposium is to promote presentations and discussions of ablative materials for space technology, applications of aerothermal mechanical materials, and creative methods for creating next-generation materials that go beyond current hypervelocity applications. We invite abstract submissions on the following topics related to kinetic environments encompassing high temperatures aero thermomechanical fatigue applications:

-Simulations for accelerated alloy and composites (CALPHAD, crystal plasticity, phase-field, atomistic…)
-Simulations and experiments to understand microstructures and mechanical properties (uni- or multi-axial loading, damage, fatigue…)
-Degradation (corrosion, oxidation, ablation, wear…)
-Advanced in-situ characterization techniques (electron microscopy, high energy X-ray diffraction and tomography…)
-3D characterization (electron back scattered diffraction, high energy X-ray diffraction and microscopy…)
-Advanced processing for metastable materials and near-net shape components
-Coatings and shape memory alloys and internal cooling and control systems
-Control Systems
-Advanced testing of ceramic matric composites
-Understanding of IR and RF frequencies in extreme environments

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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