Scope |
Feedback between multiphysics modeling and multi-model imaging is critical to achieving a rational design of a wide range of functional materials. Recent advances bring new imaging techniques and computational approaches to materials problems, often drawing on developments in areas ranging from biotechnology to weather systems and to condensed matter physics. This combination of imaging, theory, and computation promises to address problems that cut across materials systems which include a high level of heterogeneity, dimensionality, and dynamics at multiple timescales. This symposium will provide an opportunity to introduce advanced statistical, mathematical, and computational methods as well as the cutting-edge multi-modal imaging techniques to the materials community and bring together researchers from diverse areas to exchange ideas and discuss new directions
in both materials modeling and imaging. Topics of the symposium include but are not limited to,
-Atomistic and mesoscale modeling of functional materials
-Advanced statistical model
Reduced Order model
-New mathematical algorithms to solve partial differential equations for functional materials
Homotopy method
-Advanced AI method to solve partial differential equations for functional materials
Operator learning
Physics-informed Neural network
-Scanning Probe imaging modes
Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy
Nitrogen Vacancy center imaging
Magnetic and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
-Optical imaging
Polarized light microscope
Second-harmonic generation
magneto-optical Kerr microscopy
-Free-electron-laser and synchrotron imaging techniques
Coherent diffraction imaging (ptycography, laminography, tomography)
Full-field and scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (also time resolved)
X-ray Photoemission electron microscopy |