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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Recent Advances in Titanium Science and Technology: MPMD/SMD Symposium Honoring Professor Dipankar Banerjee
Sponsorship TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Phase Transformations Committee
TMS: Titanium Committee
Organizer(s) Yufeng Zheng, University of North Texas
Abhishek Sharma, University of North Texas
Adam L. Pilchak, Pratt & Whitney
Rajarshi Banerjee, University of North Texas
Yunzhi Wang, Ohio State University
Scope This symposium is being organized on the occasion of Professor Dipankar Banerjee’s 70th birthday to celebrate his seminal contributions and profound impact on the field of Titanium physical metallurgy. It brings together leading experts from across the world working on various aspects of titanium alloys many of whom are his close friends and collaborators. The scope of the symposium broadly encompasses all aspects of titanium and titanium-based intermetallics including innovative processing routes, advanced characterization techniques, novel computational modelling approaches etc. The symposium will have special emphasis on advanced electron microscopy for assessing the structure-property-processing correlation within titanium-based alloys and intermetallics, with sessions also dedicated to evaluating phase transformation pathways and deformation mechanisms, domains which have immensely benefitted from Professor Banerjee’s research contributions. These will include phenomena operating across multiple orders of length scales extending from atomic-level to ingot- scale, across a wide range of temperatures and loading rates. Please note that participation to this symposium is by invitation only.
Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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